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Everything posted by calvinator

  1. I'd say dreamweaver is the best, but it is nice to just code with notepad.
  2. It doesnt matter anyways, why do you think people get in trouble for releasing confidential materials at the FBI and CIA? Robert Hanssen got in big trouble for giving secrets to Russia. It wasnt within his rights, and its not really in yours either.
  3. Sorry, I meant wee... you seemed surprised that my copy wasnt pirated...
  4. Are talking about smooth animation like a movie or about moving from one scene to the next? www.creativekb.com/cal/a.swf
  5. I know that that they can crash and im sure that there are ones that are more sophisticated, but that is because they have too many prolbems. You have technological progressions at the point when the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
  6. Uh, yeah, thats what i meant with
  7. For some reason, when i tried to send the hosting item, it gave me a database error.
  8. Well... It was declared over two years ago, now it is a larger issue which means you pay more attention to it, but its still two years old since it was declared over.
  9. Yeah, I thought it was a cheer too... mabye its just changed or thats what it originated as... or something.
  10. But still, im sure if he used it for a month and got it all configured, he would like it better. Now that mine is set up right, i like it better.
  11. Im pretty sure there were other reasons involved.... but mabye im just overanalyzing..
  12. Well... we will see how it works out. A lot of extra work for you guys though...
  13. Hm... not so current but thats okay. Leaving immediately would have left them in disarray.
  14. I think if he used it.... he would like it.
  15. |\|07 45 ph412 45 joo |<|\|0\^/....
  16. Yeah, i was wondering about that but figured it was probably just my computer...
  17. Lol, sounds interesting, another kid in my class uses gamemaker.
  18. You admitted you pirated it! so i would have to agree with myscrnm
  19. TI-83+, makes some of the most reliable computers that dont crash, and use dependable battery power, that doesnt rely on the weather... Just kidding but the point is, in order to use more things, you need to take the good with the bad. Nuclear power is a good energy source, but meltdowns are bad. If your computer has a more complicated system, it will crash more, but you can do more things with it.
  20. Lol, but where's the animation?
  21. i didnt know he went to kamiakin... I thought he went somewhere else...
  22. calvinator

    New skin!

    But dont enforce that skin, keep the originals too..
  23. Yeah
  24. Well, 90% is slightly better.
  25. Yeah, lol. No kidding lappy... you like to link back to your own forum quite frequently. I was going to mention it, but i guess my work is done already. But the ibstore isnt down, just harder to find. You cna see it here. The IBstore
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