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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Or do you? They been wrestlin with each other, and one of them was dumb enough to take on one of our pre-existing cats that just happens to be twice the size of a normal full-grown cat. lol
  2. Well if you want to get technical about it 1501
  3. My sister got em as a birthday present, but I called dibs on one. (links instead of pics, because they are frickin huge) http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/6973/imag00017bb.jpg This one's MINE: http://img287.imageshack.us/img287/4360/imag00036tf.jpg I think she named it Willow or something... And here's Oz (well, that's her official name at least) http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/9311/imag00062gu.jpg Looks kind of like an elf, right? Since I couldnt come up with a funny name to do with elves, I decided to unofficially call her Smurffette, on account of her bright blue eyes. Oh, and yes that is my sister's bed. I do not have purple sheets and covers.
  4. 1499 dang, I dont get the century change.
  5. From an email I got:
  6. 1492 hah! Now noone gets to recite that retarded columbus poem cuz I got the number, and I'm not gunna do it!
  7. lol, now I'll be trying to figure out which side is the normal side instead of which side is widescreen.
  8. Because it's cake! Who doesnt like birthday cake?
  9. 1487 it does!
  10. They're all over the place here. Mostly earthlink and netscape.
  11. The worst part is that there are still all these ads on TV for various dial-up compainies. As if they have very many customers to compete over, or as if they even have any customers to begin with. It's disgusting.
  12. I think it's mostly ignored. A few people will take the time to fry their brains reading through it all, but most people just read the last post or two to see what's going on and tack on the end of it.
  13. no! I will not allow it! lol jk
  14. Yep. One word post fest!
  15. I guess not. The thing is, he's like an uber-virgin, so it must have been extremely dissapointing.
  16. some might say that there isnt much to envision, although I beg to differ. A friend of mine went to mexico, and before he left he was all talking about how he was going to a nude beach and stuff. So I warned him that he wasnt going to see anything that he wanted too. When he got back he didnt say a word about it. lol.
  17. Streaking happens to be a hobby of mine... I've learned from experience that very rarely do attractive people go to nude beaches. Maybe it's different down there, but that's the way it's been where I have gone.
  18. Yeah, but the heat is a great excuse for running around naked!
  19. When the sun is out it warms up to a point that, if you're used to it, you dont need a jacket.
  20. Yeah, but I mean heavey jackets with several layers of sweatshirts, sweaters, etc. cold. Like hypothermia in 2 minutes cold. Like high stakes bets on who can stay in a hole cut through 3 feet of ice on a lake cold. Actually, it hasnt been that bad the past few winters... I remember when I was 5 or 6 we used to have snow up over the windows on the second floor. Not snowdrifts, but total accumulated snow. Now its really... blah. But for the love of God, learn how to drive in the snow.
  21. It get's pretty frickin cold up here... Remember that if you move to canada. I wouldnt even bother to try.
  22. Dang... I forgot you were studying law... I doubt I could pay for a good enough lawyer to get anything out of you.
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