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Posts posted by HerLoss

  1. Alright, I'm jumping in. Short two sentence jokes do not belong in their own seperate threads. It clutters the forums and allows the poster to squeeze as many Helions out of it as possible. Problem solved, can it both of you.

  2. This is all I have at the moment:

    (from http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050923-5344.html )

    The brains of the console are rumored to be a single dual-threaded IBM "custom" PowerPC 2.5 GHz CPU, with 256 KB L1 cache and 1 MB of L2 cache (L3 cache is rumored). The system will also sport a Physical Processing Chip (PPU) with 32MB of dedicated RAM, while the CPU itself will saddled up next to 512MB of system RAM. The custom ATI GPU solution is rumored to consist of a RN520 600MHz core, backed with 256MB of RAM and "32 parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines." While the output will theoretically be capable of putting out 1080p resolution (higher even, at 2048x1268), Solo says that HD support has not yet been decided (which fits with Nintendo's own comments).
  3. Thing is, no one has ever in the history of the US actually bombed a school in the US. Not to mention that if someone actually wanted to blow up the school, they wouldnt call it in, and also the few people who are smart enough to follow simple instructions out of a book to make a bomb (stupid hicks), arent crazy enough to do it.

  4. Yeah, supposedly the revolution is supposed to have chips designated for each component of the game instead of having one main processing unit. Like, a chip for physics, a chip for AI, a chip for graphics, etc. Again, something I've heard on a few podcasts.

  5. Oh! How sad.... HerLoss can't do any more business.

    Btw, why would someone buy pants from you? Do they come to school without them ?!?!

    People wear shorts and skirts in the middle of winter for no apparent reason, so when we end up outside for three hours they get really cold. The value of pants goes way up.

  6. The police made no mistake, they werent even chasing the kids, they just thought they were being chased. Also, it has a LOT to do with the prime minister's resolutions to the problem pertaining to how things are done in america.

  7. Yeah. My favorite current news story thingy is that all the people in france who are rioting are pissed off cuz they think their prime minister dude is trying to turn france into america. More proof that no one likes the USA.

  8. Update: we had another one today, so between that, not being around monday, not having school this friday, and having my driving test next monday, I will have missed three History classes in a row. Great. Also, there have been two bomb scares at the Jr. High, about a hundred yards from the High School, in the past week.

  9. that's no good. it'll all be 'better graphics' or 'more capabilities' or something non-game related. and i just want to throw out something: why does the psp even need all these extra compartment's and stuff for movies and music, when they could just be inserted in a normal game disc? i mean, the gameboy did. this is one reason why i say it has too much extra crap. it's like buying a microwave, a stove, and an oven when you only really need one. that's why most foods can be cooked in any of these.

    Speaking of better graphics, all the ps3 and xbox 360 freaks will just have to shut up about them cuz the revolution is going to have the same graphic capabilities of them both.

  10. After numerous rounds of: "We don't even know if Osama is still

    alive," Osama himself decided to send George Bush a letter in his own

    handwriting to let him know he was still in the game.


    Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:



    Bush was baffled, so he sent it to Condi Rice.

    Condi and her aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the FBI. No

    one could solve it, so it went to the CIA, then to NSA.


    With no clue as to its meaning, they eventually asked Britain's MI-6 for



    MI-6 cabled the White House:

    "Tell the President he's holding the message upside down."


    (If you dont get it, take a good look at the message.)

  11. These guys at Nuclear Monkey Software just came out with an interesting game. Best part, it's totally free.


    Here's a copy-paste of their Overview page:

    Narbacular Drop is an environmental puzzle game in a fantasy setting, where the player navigates a dungeon with two interconnected portals. The dungeon has a series of traps and puzzles, which the player must solve by moving around objects in the environment using the portals. The key feature of this game is the Portal System. The game will be developed for the Windows 2000/XP PC. The game is non-violent and would receive an E for Everyone rating. The target audience is young casual gamers and hardcore gamers.


    The player controls the Princess character who has been captured by the a demon. The demon has trapped her in his dungeon lair, known as Wally. Wally is a sentient dungeon and has the ability to open holes, or Portals on his walls. These portals connect to each other and any object moving into one portal will come out the other. Wally is resentful of his owner demon owner, so he joins with the Princess to help her escape. In exchange, she agrees to free Wally by directing his portal power to vanquish the demon.


    This portal system is a technical feature that is demonstrated in a few games to date, and has never before been the central focus of a game. The concept is two interconnecting portals that can be freely placed by the player. When looking into one portal, the viewer sees out the other and vice versa. The added feature of moving through the portals allows for many unique gameplay possibilities.


    This portal system, combined with a basic physics simulation allows for a huge level of interactivity. Players can toss boxes, boulders, or even themselves around the dungeon. Players can come up with their own creative solutions for the puzzles presented.


    The portal interface is very simple. The left mouse button fires the a blue portal, which appears on the wall, ceiling, or floor in front of the player. The right mouse button fires a red portal. Only one of each portal can be open at a time. This allows for a fast learning curve and low-intensity game play that benefits puzzle games.


    Narbacular Drop is a fun, original puzzle game with unique and intuitive game play. Players can find creative solutions to engaging environmental puzzles using a never before seen portal system. The cartoon atmosphere and low-intensity, simple game play will make for a very fun and memorable game.


    It doesnt have the best graphics, or the greatest physics, but for absolutly no money, I'd say it's a pretty sweet game. All I've done so far is screw around with infinite cycles of falling from the ceiling into a portal on the floor back to the ceiling and stuff like that, but it looks like a good game and I suggest you check it out.



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