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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Oh she was just talkin about me and one of her friends said "shh! he's right behind you!"
  2. The two organizations who should be more worried about the fact that most people who steal music wouldnt have bought the album to begin with. Either they dont have the cash, or are only interested in a single song. Regardless, I'm not paying 20+ dollars on a cd that costs them 10 cents to make. And as for the artists intelectual property, how about this. Charge 5 bucks a cd. Give 2 bucks to your record company, and keep three. If your music is any good, you should be able to sell a million copies. 3 mil is PLENTY of money for a group to live 2 or 3 years on, during which they should be working on yet another album. 2 mil should be plenty for the dickhead's at the record company to appropriatly advertise, although if your music is any good, they should be able to pocket the cash and let the music sell itself. Theres my view on the RIAA and MPAA who should mind their own [bleeped!] buisness and go form a useful association, like the AAAA, the Anti-[bleeped!] Association of America.
  3. Yeah right. I've never paid more than 100 dollars for a console and I'm not about to start now.
  4. Especially considering I had upwards of 20k pre-hack, and subtracting 60k from 60.1k doesnt leave much now does it?
  5. I'm fairly certain you can add them by saving them to your hard drive and then upload them via the admin panel as well as assign the keyword that invokes each one.
  6. That happened to me last year when I was on my way to algebra and the only path that would take me there in time took me right behind my ex.
  7. The other day I noticed that stan92 was up there, but not anyone else in particular, although I wasnt looking.
  8. Thing is I'm currently using my agp slot for my 9250, and I hadnt planned on replacing the entire video card to boot. BTW, what are everyone's thoughts on refurbished hardware?
  9. What does this have to do with a competition? we were discussing tattooing "HelioNet" on various body parts as a competition.
  10. I second that
  11. Hmm... Not quite sure what you mean with the whole "ledge" thing, but heres to hoping by "video card slot" you meant agp. Anyways, here's some pics of my card from both inside and out. The pictures are crap due to both my crappy camera and the fact that I was too lazy to shut it down and take it somewhere with better lighting. Hope you can tell me what I need to know, and I'll PM these links to you on KL in case you dont come back here. http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imag00023ie.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imag00031af.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imag00042xm.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imag00059wy.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imag00060dd.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imag00071ai.jpg
  12. Allright, so I'm looking for a decent tuner PCI card, hopefully without going over 200 bucks. I was thinking of going the way of the ATI TV Wonder Elite. It's on newegg for 150, and it doesnt look too bad. Theres a lot of good reviews, but theres also a lot of bad reviews. Any thougts?
  13. Well here's an addicting game for ya. It's called ZombieGrinder 60000. Basically, youre this fat guy running through the streets with a shotgun blowing zombie's heads off. The speed of the game is related to the speed of the death-metal music playing. All I have to say is watch out for the zombies with moltov cocktails and the fires they cause. Check it out at http://www.viceland.com/se/v2n2/htdocs/game.php here's a screenie of me with my arse on fire blowing up a zombie:
  14. because I'm boycotting the record industry?
  15. Because 1, the book came out a long assed time ago, 2, book was a helluva lot better, and 3, why not?
  16. For every person who would prefer to be a programmer, there is a person who would prefer to be a lawyer. There wouldnt not be lawyers just because they got paid the same. The only reasons communist states with bad economies have bad economies are that either they dont have squat for patriotism (ex: the USA would be a crappy communist country), or they had a dictator who runs it as a monarchy and doesnt give anyone anything, but equally doesnt give anyone anything.
  17. For a couple hours I tried getting over here, but all I got was: That was only at http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php There were no problems at http://www.helionet.org/home.html or at heliohost. Whats up with that?
  18. They are fleeing cuba because the US stopped trade with them, which killed their economy, NOT because of their government. And a communist government doesnt necessarily tell you what your job is. That is just one way to do it, and a particularly bad way at that.
  19. The Necronomicon by Abdul Alhazred No particular reason
  20. I saw it thursday morning at midnight. Aside from not getting home untill four, and having to get up at five for school, I'd give it a 7.5. It wasnt as good as I thought it was going to be, and it just kinda sucks when you already know whats gunna happen.
  21. I have never worked for someone who made more than 100k a year. You havnt given me [bleeped!].
  22. He wanted the oil, he wanted to fulfill the chritsian prophesies(sp?), and none of this is his fault but the guys with their hands up the guy's arse. (read: hes a frickin puppet.) I'm disgusted with both political parties at the moment.
  23. Right on my brotha! lol.
  24. People will still work to do what they want to. There will still be people who are doctors, lawyers, etc. because they want to be. Show me one person who went to med-school to be a doctor but hate being a doctor. The other thing that keeps socialist/communist states going is a great feeling of pride for one's nation. The point of the setup is that everyone works for the common good, not for their own greed.
  25. If there were no rich people, cash would be more evenly divided. There would be no poor people. Normal people would find jobs from other normal people. Simple as that. Different jobs should not pay a substantial difference. I work my arse off all year long and probobly dont make more than 10k a year. My brother, working equally as hard, makes upwards of a half mil. Just because I dont have a buttload of cash doesnt mean I dont work hard for what I do have. I am no burden on the government. Neither of my parents went to collage, and my dad never even graduated high school, but they're doing just fine, paying half their income to the state and the feds. Without us, the middle to lower class, the government would be dirt poor, and you jerkwads wouldnt get squat for tax breaks.
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