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Everything posted by raykai

  1. cant seem to signup for Tommy always saying its full
  2. oh ok so...Tommy server would be best or ricky ? Does it have PHP and MySQL? if so il try and switch. i was thinking Johnny was best lol. i think this wiki is out of date? http://wiki.helionet.org/What_is_HelioHost%3F "HelioHost owns two servers which is collocated at the Hurricane Electric datacenter (located in Calafornia) named Stevie and Charlie. Stevie is a few years old now, and he hosts many websites using non-dangerous services. Charlie is partitioned into two sections, Cody and Johnny." so i did not know which to take. Is there a wiki page that explains more about the serves and our choices?
  3. hi, im having a hard time i removed the subdomain ddge.ga. but now im getting an error when trying to add it as an Addon Domains: (XID efqg95) The domain “ddge.ga” already exists in the Apache configuration. how can i fix this?
  4. HI im trying to add a the domain ddge.ga under Addon Domains. but im getting an error : (XID mbmmy8) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. i did check and it is pointing to u can look it up here https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/ddge.ga im using CloudFlare nameservers. as a test, i did try setting it as a subdomain. it did it without a prob so i don't know why i cant add it as an Addon Domains.
  5. on Steie server im geting a user : raykai Thank You for installing cPanel / WHM. This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (License has a future date) Once the license on this server is active, you will no longer see this message. If you have installed a license since loading this page
  6. im trying to add a addondomain but im geting a Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:,,,, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. the thing is im useing no-ip ...https://www.noip.com i have no-ip to point to a. User Name: raykai b. Site Url: http://wildagenda.zapto.org c. Server: stevie the address im trying to add is lgbtsherbrooke.com
  7. il look it up ones I can log in for odd reason my page isn't loading for the cpanel.... but from what I remember the folder that is the biggest is DKP_beta2 which is a CMS for guilds (the csm name is EQdkp-Plus (http://eqdkp-plus.eu/en/) wich im hosting under http://wildagenda.zapto.org its a world of warcraft guild page theres nothing in this part of the site that I can host from an other storage service as that would break the CMS if I would have files that I could send to an other file hosting storage service I would. I would all so like to do a back up of my websits but there's isn't room for me to create a zip file on the host to than transfer it over to my pc. and when I try to transfer all the files with FTP don't know how to say this but my part of the server stops responding and all the 3 websites on hosting goes offline for like 30mins or so before I can accesses them same with the ftp I get a Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 69,084,112 bytes in 76 seconds Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server say after I ftp about 20 files ok site is back up .... wird ya I jest looked it up and its the CSM that's taking a lot of room / on top of that the new website ill need phpbb3 and dolphin. but if theirs a way for me to get an other 500mb that would solve all my probes:)
  8. is it possible to have more disc space ? i really enjoy helionet hosting
  9. can this post be transferred to an admin ? all so im running low on space :S im using 410mb/500mb and the new website that I need for the community will needs a phpbb3 forum and dolphin community software
  10. Cpanel login page not loading http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/login/
  11. Hi im asking permission to have more than one account on Stevie server my 1st account that im using for a privet guild that im runing. which can be found at : a. User Name: raykai b. Site Url: http://wildagenda.zapto.org c. Server: stevie the reason im asking for an other account is that il be starting a website for the community for the city where i live and i do not want it available from the same account as the 2nd account will have more ppl than jest me building the website and scene the 2nd account is on a totally an other subject than the 1st i would feel some how bad if some one from the 2nd website found a way to get to the 1st account using the account link and all so if i would build the 2 websites on the same account the account (web space) with the 2 website in the long run would conflict. not to say that the account name of my 1st account is personal. i can not give you the info of the 2nd account as i have not created it as im waiting for the green ok before creating it. i will post the info ones i have the ok and have created the account. im asking for the accounts to be immune to the multi-account detection systems. which i have read that i could ask from: http://www.heliohost.org/home/component/content/article/1-homenews/215-multiple-accounts-policy hoping i have answered what i had to sorry for the other post some how the post button is buggy with the Torch browser you can delet the other ones sorry about this but i havet seen a delete button on the pages now i feel bad
  12. hi im using a forum phpbb and its asking me for the Imagemagick path:..... I will be needing it and I was wandering if its on the stevie server or if there is a way for me to have it on my account cPanel username : raykai current main domain : wildagenda.heliohost.org server : stevie
  13. Hi, I am unable to access my cpanel, ftp, mysql databases, and website accounts. I have checked the reactivate script and it assures me that my account is not suspended. say if I use the FTP for like 3 mins or if I serf the websit that I did in the long run I get DC and than cant access the pages When I try to login into the cpanel,ftp,mysql I get report generic errors in my connection. but if I give it a 30 mins before going back to the webpages or ftp ,MySQL it works ...... Main Domain wildagenda.heliohost.org or http://wildagenda.zapto.org Server: Johnny cPanel Username: raykai
  14. hi jest wandering if thers a limit on how many e-mail i can send out and if its ok to use a Mass mail for news leters ?
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