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Everything posted by Flashmedia

  1. world's smallest pizza
  2. I'd say maybe south america but definitely not north america. No offense but true beauty don't come with boob jobs and hamburgers
  3. Hi, I'm planning to add some Symbian S60 v1 games. Most of them don't have a trial version, so the games will be in full mode. I just want to know if I am allowed to upload these kind of games here. Thanks !
  4. You right, also a mobile phone games section would be useful..
  5. Great songs, great shows, great energy !
  6. A good movie, better the MI 2.
  7. Miami Vice. A good movie.
  8. Well, looks like you didn't ... as yesterday on the 5th aniversary since the traumatic events, "new events" were announced...
  9. Can you help me on this ? Because for I've already changed the dns nameservers and my website goes nowhere right now. www.flashinstruments.com. Cheers !
  10. Hi, I ususlly enter the forum because I have a bookmark, but, today I tried to log in from another computer, went to http://www.helionet.org/ and no index was found. I checked again the address from home with 3 different browsers and looks like http://www.helionet.org/ doesn't get me on the forum, I can only see a directory listing and I can only enter here by accessing the bookmark which is helionet.org/index/index.php?act=idx I wonder if anyone else meets the same problem
  11. ... tho I'm not used to with the embedded fonts and with the severe security (blocks javascript, gmail is never displayed, put a frame on flash applets and so on ...), it's really fast and I like it. Now we're waiting for the Mozilla's reply with Firefox v2 ...
  12. ok i sent a PM with the domain name, hope you can help. Thanks heaps djbob !
  13. Japaneese, I'm fascinated by their culture, history, their way of life and mentality. Tho I'd like to learn their language, I only know a few words. But of cource, nothing compares to English which I like best.
  14. Getting into recent hot declarations (Mr. Bush assured that the chase for world's no. 1 terrorist continues), do you think that they don't really know where Osama is ? Why do you think the president felt the need to assure the public about this ?
  15. Yes, I have a domain name. I was speaking hypothetically about it's name.
  16. From Moldova or Oltenia regions ?
  17. Yep, I'm from Romania also, anyone here have a couple of green cards for us ?
  18. I'm not from US but I like to consider myself a big US fan. I have friends there and all of them are against president Bush ... so I wonder why was he elected for the second time ? My mind goes to Belarus where no one likes the president but he was elected somehow for the second time also .. 2 years ago he eliminated the presidential term limits and became like a Fidel Castro of Europe. Back to Bush, he's the only man that I don't like from America, but looks like America likes him ...
  19. Just because of this ? If US was in a good position in front of it's people and the economy was stable and nicely growing, would you still dislike him for just being part of the Neo Republicans ? I don't want to throw critics to him but he appears to be very optimist when the reality isn't very great...
  20. Well, in my account's cpanel there are 0/0 Parked domains and 0/0 Addon domains. So I cannot park a domain also. My account is roflash.heliohost.org I'll send DjBob a PM to see if he can help me out. Thanks !
  21. Ok, thanks, I'll try when I'll gather more helions. Thanks again !
  22. I have already registered a domain, let's say www.mydomain.com. Can I host the files for this domain on my account on heliohost.org? Considering that I also updated the DNS server addresses to ns1.heliohost.org & ns2.heliohost.org ... Thanks !
  23. Do you like president Bush ? Please bring arguments. Me - No reason: war in Irak, US economical problems, aggression agains all the other countries which don't listen to him.
  24. my mouth smelled like petrol this morning.
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