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Ivar T

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Everything posted by Ivar T

  1. I've felt quite nihilistic lately - my body "float" on instincts and natural emotions, while my actual conciousness seem to care little about its survival.
  2. I am reviving this thread instead of starting an entirely new discussion. So, like... what is the meaning of life? Why do we care about the survival of ourselves, our family, our people, and humanity? Essentially - why don't we just drop down and die? Personally I've often thought that the answer lies in nature documentaries - where you see animals reproduce and do their best to promote their genes.
  3. I've read some storyline-based webcomics lately, and in most of them you click the displayed image to get to the next page in the comic - which is ofcourse quite easy - more so than if you have to move your mouse and click like in Grey Legacy, at least if you have as small a screen as I have. In The Rainbow Orchid the display is small enough so that I wont have to both move and click with my mouse, even if I can't get forward by clicking the displayed strip. More intriguing though, is that you can see how a strip was first drawn by pencil by a click on a button to the bottom left of the strip. I guess some of those who make webcomics are interested in inspiring others, if maybe just for more popularity, and might be interested in similar features. What additional features could the display of webcomics have? Perhaps a better way of navigating. I see that 21th Century Fox, not as storyline-based though, has some kind of way available to navigate through a calender of strips made. I believe something more elegant could be used though, maybe taken from another medium on the internet. Doesn't it require quite a bit bandwidth if readers are forced to load whole pages, with a lot of the same content, again and again as they go through a comic? Like in The Rainbow Orchid? As I'm new to web development I can't say that I'm much educated about JavaScript, although I have seen JavaScript load text from elsewhere on the web while not loading a whole new page. Is it possible to make JavaScript swap the displayed image in a webcomic with another one without it being necessary for readers to load a whole new page?
  4. Much appreciated.
  5. If that was the case a lot of it would catch without contact with oxygen, is that possible? I'm mainly just wondering whether you could get gases to burn in liquid.
  6. ... you had a tank full of easy ignitable fluid, and through the bottom of that tank there's a thin pipe that goes to a tank of oxygen. There's enough pressure in this tank to make a steady stream of oxygen bubles appear in the other tank. The pipe has ventilation that prevents fluid from passing through the pipe. Would it be possible to make the oxygen bubles begin to burn in the tank filled with ignitable fluid?
  7. Ivar T


    ... but can you see where on the site you happen to be in the address bar?
  8. http://www.etaglive.com/ I recently discovered this from a Chrome-related forum. When researching the PubMed library I've found E-tag to be useful collecting abstracts on a topic. There's some controversial diet I'm looking at - the gluten and casein free diet. The diet is very (very) anecdotally supported for helping people on the autistic spectrum, but the hypothesis behind it doesn't appear to hold water at all.
  9. Autism Speaks is truly a controversial organization among the autism community, however the Wikipedia article currently doesn't reflect that, so I made a post on its talkpage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Autism_S...not_represented
  10. Just say so if it isn't possible in any reasonable way.
  11. Here's a wiki that let you make applets without any IDE download: http://sandbox.javawide.org/index.php?titl...amp;action=edit When you are at the edit page, click 'show IDE'. This should bring up an applet that's abit more than the text area. If you additionally click the area of dots on the top of the applet it will be brought out in a seperate window. At least in Windows, this will be without the usual blue bar that tend to be placed on top of windows. From this page I get the impression that it is possible to make a Java window always be on top of others. I bet this includes applet windows. With an applet window, without such a blue bar and of minimal size per information, and which could stay on top of other windows even when windows below are selected, I believe it could be possible to notify people of new messages without it being necessary for them to install notification programs on the computer or switch windows all the time. I guess if it is possible to do it in Java it could also be done in Flash, but what do you think?
  12. Sounds like there's hope. :-) Someone say so if there really isn't any. I tried Stendhal. I believe the player movement could have been improved, as it is now it is unpredictable how the player will move if you have some lag. I like the idea of a simple game, like Stendhal, with lots of cool content that might be player-made.
  13. My quest for a simple way to make simple online games have among other things led me to this thing: http://arianne.sourceforge.net/?arianne_ur...server_marauroa Could this be something you could run for a small-scale MMO game on an ordinary stationary computer?
  14. I'm exploring Java at the moment, and see that making Java-based MMO's is possible. Examples are RuneScape, Hack Wars and Wurm Online - the first one being applet-based, the second some kind of pop-up I think without any download, and the latter being a webstart application demanding an install before use. While these games use some special kind of server software, apparently it should also be possible to make Java interact with a MySQL database... which I guess could possibly bring abit more visual interactivity to the current browser-based MMO's, or how would that work? Is it in any way possible to make simple Java-based MMO's using a free host-server that offers a high amount of bandwidth? What would the limitations be?
  15. After getting bored of Granado Espada - a free MMORPG where one special feature is that you can control a team of three characters, I went for a hopefully more intellectually challanging browser-based game called Chosen Space.
  16. If the article is about an organization and is recently established, it is very likely to have bias from sympathizers of the organization - like this article about an extremely controversial AltMed group: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defeat_Autism_Now! They might look all sciency with big complicated words and stuff, but I can assure you - they are not. It's many who has been fooled though. Especially when there's all this anecdotal evidence supporting them. It's hard to sum up what's wrong with the group, here's abit of it: - they actively use anecdotal evidence to convince people that their treatments works even when mainstream medicine reiterates that anecdotal reports can be misleading. - they continue to market a hormone called secretin as a treatment for autistic kids, even when several double-blind studies rejects their claims. - they use dubious test methods to determine whether autistic people are heavy metal poisoned - sending urine test to a lab in Paris because the lab there is allowed to write a medical assessment of whether or not the person is heavy metal poisoned based on the amount of porphyrins, even when the accuracy of determining heavy metal toxicity out of the amount of porphyrins in urine is poorly studied. - they support the notion that autism can be caused by, or worsened, by vaccines - a notion that has been discredited by dozens of studies.
  17. Are animals soulless? Personally I don't think there really is that much special about human kind.
  18. Ivar T

    Server Downed

    Thanks! That's reassuring.
  19. Ivar T

    Server Downed

    It's typical for me to think that the hacking could have been caused by me, as I get paranoid and stuff. I did write some provocative stuff on my blog directed to an AltMed community in Norway, but AltMeds don't know a thing about computers - AltMeds usually threat the host provider with legal action when they see something they don't like, so this wouldn't be their style.
  20. I used Window's media player until I found that it didn't work with quite a few internet radios, so I installed the first player said to work with them - Real Player.
  21. 'ey ango!

    Bet ye're ango at least.

  22. Hey! Be fair on the dinosaurs, ofcourse they had souls! If different species got to different heavens... then it would be like... Apartheid... or?
  23. Was making this blog post (warning: dysfunctional n00b JavaScripts made by ME) and figured it was maybe something people at this place might have wanted to discuss. So... Discuss!
  24. Finally managed to get the newspaper columns to work in Chrome aswell - I've begun using chrome while I cruise the internet (screenshot). The blog looks rather nasty in IE (no newspaper columns and the posts are listed up vertically - conflicting with the rest of the layout) but that's not too much of a tragedy IMHO. I think I'll have this blog as a personal pad for more *artistic* purposes, rather than professional, and in my preconceptions I don't have to give a s*** about accessibility if that's my plan. If I figure out how to make it work in IE aswell, well then that's great, but it's not priority. Will probably try Wizard's tip next.
  25. This is very much under construction, have only tried it in Firefox: http://spektralen.site90.com/ I also wanted to have a drawings' gallery over the posts, while still mantaining a minimum height. It seems difficult to get the whole thing vertically aligned. The only way I can think of is to put a table and cell around the whole thing and get JavaScript to define the height of the table relative to the client's window - that I wont do.
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