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GLaDOS last won the day on December 13 2012

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About GLaDOS

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  1. I've been doing pretty well, also Liam says hi
  2. How have you guys been?
  3. Congrats wolstech!
  4. This is indeed odd, I have put in a request for a server administrator to take a look at this issue and this will hopefully be resolved soon.
  5. When logging into cpanel use www.ejanta.com/cpanel instead of ejanta.com/cpanel
  6. It takes 24 hours for your site to be fully set up, after 24 hours if you are still seeing that page please try clearing your cache.
  7. Edit once again, forget the gaming community a very good friend of mine helped me with the new upgrade so check it out! http://www.fm1337.me
  8. Dunno shinryuu disappeared and haven't heard from him sense
  9. Also happening to me -GLaDOS (Genetic Life-form and Disk Operating system)
  10. Well, after testing the ftp for krydos my site refuses to work and returns a 500 error Update: after maybe 2 hours of downtime its up, at 5:21 pm 2 hours and 9 minutes of downtime confirmed by pingdom PingdomAlert UP: Secruity (www.fm1337.me) is UP again at 04/05/2013 01:19:34PM, after 2h 9m of downtime. (got that email just a few seconds ago)
  11. Hey Krydos a wee bit problem again, after wiping the files from the FTP transfer, my site has been displaying a 500 error for over 10 minutes now
  12. Nope I was uploading
  13. Howdy folks, I need a wee bit of help and I would it appreciate a lot, so yeah lets begin. So I run a forum on my website, and I wanna back up the database because I heard you should keep back ups of your databases encase of emergency, so I wanna back mine up, only problem is I dunno how. Anyone mind pointing me in the right direction please?
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