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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Here's mine.
  2. My favorite group changes frequently, but right now I'm listening to a lot of Radiohead and Coldplay.
  3. I've never been a batman person either, but nonetheless, this looks very good. I'll see it.
  4. Ew! Windows?? User friendly? Windows is the worst OS on the planet, and everybody knows that. If you want user friendliness, go with Linux or OS X.
  5. I use Dreamweaver, but some other things alongside it.
  6. By the way, it's spelled iTunes, not i Tunes or I-Tunes. Anyway, that's what I use. Everything else sucks.
  7. Sites: http://www.tuaw.com/ A blog about Apple. http://www.nytimes.com/ The only news site I use. http://www.everythingicafe.com/ iPhone/iPod Touch forums Software: CS3 Master Suite Garage Band iMovie Adium Photo Booth Skitch
  8. Wow.. interesting idea for a thread. 1,244
  9. Hahaha, god I hate Vista. Go OS X. Edit: Whoops, sorry, double post... can I delete this?
  10. Hahaha, god I hate Vista. Go OS X.
  11. Name's Swagger. I'm a teenager, so too young to buy my own domain, and my parents won't be me one. Therefore, I'll be sticking around here for the next four months or so so I can register a domain. (I hate subdomains.)
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