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Everything posted by Diggsey

  1. I like Outrage! You probably won't have heard of it, but you basically have to steal the crown jewels from the tower of london before the other players do.
  2. who liked to eat
  3. You are mistaken Antimatter is created by colliding particles in a particle accelerator, and takes a lot of energy to get even a tiny amount of antimatter.
  4. HTML + CSS + PHP + MySQL have suited my needs so far
  5. http://www.notepadplusplus.org/
  6. But a bird flies off with it... Who has the hat?
  7. I use Windows Live messenger, although I also have google talk (a couple of people I know only use it)
  8. If you want to make a good, fast game, with good graphics, use DarkBasic Pro It is a proper programming language, but is built specifically for DirectX, and does things like creating the device and rendering for you. It also has a large community and hundreds of tutorials, and you can write plugins for it in C++ to expand its functionality. For the indie game developer, it is excellent! If you want to make a reasonable FPS game, there's also FPS Creator, which although it is a click and drag type editor, allows AI and events and actions to be scripted, and has built-in physics. It's also made using DBPro ^
  9. I don't know why evolution is still considered a theory... Scientists have actually observed it happening on insects and things with very short lifespans. Surely that is evidence enough? Let alone all the fossil evidence there is!
  10. The sun?
  11. I think all of those things could be proved wrong with a quick google search except for the religious ones, but then, I'm an atheist anyway so I'm alright
  12. But I'm the only one who's actually real
  13. There are three kinds of people: those that can count and those that can't Plus the quote in my signature
  14. Diggsey

    Funding Poll

    I don't know, I was just trying to think of things so that you could get enough money to keep this site going
  15. 1) The ability to create things that you can interact with (instead of just static images or models) 2) The ability to do things that aren't possible in this world 3) Being the only person you know (not counting the internet) who can do it 4) The feeling you get when you solve a bug you previously thought unsolvable
  16. Diggsey


    My website is a bit self-centred really, it basically holds my finished software and games. http://www.diggsey.heliohost.org/ (.tk version) http://www.diggsey.tk/ It's not finished yet though.
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