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Everything posted by smistry01

  1. Ok, I shall move the site with high traffic
  2. username:smistry server:stevie
  3. Or you could add <?php header('Location:main.php'); ?> To the top of your index.php file
  4. Please delete, working now.
  5. See my edit, it was a mistake!, I meant to say
  6. Hi I am trying to use a subdomain from no-ip.org, but they do not allow you to set nameservers only seperate A records so I set the record to but it does not work. I get this error: Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:,,, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.
  7. I am not an AOL customer and never have been I just happened to have an email with them, so I cant contact customer support. I think you are also blocked by GMX as well/
  8. Yes I tested al range of emails, the problem is with AOL thanks for your help
  9. ill try sky or google mail then later.
  10. I can recieve normal emails now but still not mail forwarder. It might be my email (AOL) blocking the mails maybe? What email did you try?
  11. Do you know what the problem is then?
  12. smistry sanishmistry.heliohost.org stevie
  13. I just checked and I cant recieve mail for any accounts. I used a email response viewer and this was the response 421 Unexpected failure, please try later
  14. Im not talking about that, I am talking about a feature in cPanel called Default Address if you on it lets you set up a domain so that all unrouted mail goes to an email address. so anything@domain.com goess to my email@mymail.com. This used to work up until sunday.
  15. Hi my default address mail forwarder does not work can someone try theirs please?
  16. *deleted*
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