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Everything posted by abradome

  1. i accidentally started an endless socket creation and i cannot stop it even i deleted the script,as errorlog continues to spam with socket_create()s. can you kill my php processes before i get suspended somehow Username:AbraDome Server:Stevie Maindomain:mc12.heliohost.org
  2. indeed it does,thanks
  3. yes and no, as it is not as simple to do that in current state of said service,as there is about 32 vps nodes to reconfigure if that is going to be done
  4. you miss the point that i am not the owner of that service,i am a customer of that service
  5. im trying to setup solusvmcontroller on the host, its a php frontend built around solusvm php api which allows me to control my VPSes from 1 panel,rather than switching users in the panel itself,but the solusvm is on port 5353 which i think i am not allowed to connect from here, so can i request an unblock of port 5353 so the api can connect to the master.
  6. DOMAIN: mc12.heliohost.org Server: Stevie i am trying to get my remote VPS's sendmail to send mail using noreply@mc12.tk mail user from heliohost site and i need some knowledge on how to correctly connect sendmail with my hosting account, i keep getting some errors like i am not allowed to relay etc so is that a setting i can tweak somewhere in cPanel?
  7. for the 2nd time my php processes reached the limits.... can the processes be killed so my site can work again? and i dont know which scripts do this so could you find it out? MainDomain: mc12.no-ip.org UserName:abradome Server:Stevie
  8. I keep getting frustrated with my server status script which checks my 2 remote servers like IRC and my Game server statuses. if 1 of those servers are offline the script keeps trying to reach it and site wont load until it reaches the server. So i would want a time out feature to my status checker so it kills the check if it takes too long and then returns offline status. Here is the script: <?php // Status By NecroNet // Config, Edit this! (You could add this to your config file) $IP = "irc.domain.tld"; //Server IP-address $Port = "3306"; //Port for server (standard is 25565) $title = "IRC-Server"; // Name of Server $flash_file = "statusbar.swf"; // Location of the flash file // Don't edit anything under this! $p = "$title"; $fp = @fsockopen($IP, $Port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$fp) { $t= "Offline"; $bgcolor = "#FF0000"; } else { $t= "Online"; $bgcolor = "#00FF00"; } @fclose($fp); echo "<embed src='".$flash_file."?t=".$p."&m=".$t."' quality='high' bgcolor='".$bgcolor."' width='176' height='60'></embed>"; ?> php side checks the server and then loads flash box saying is it online or not.
  9. all works again. it was just some unkilled php processes taking up my limit
  10. i've started getting internal server errors on every area of my site when Stevie's cPanel stopped working. even if the cPanel is now working problems still occur on nearly everywhere in my site structure. (yes, i ran flushdns) MainDomain: mc12.heliohost.org cPanel Username: abradome Server: Stevie
  11. i keep getting cPanel License Activation screen on cpanel login MainDomain: mc12.heliohost.org Username: AbraDome Server: Stevie
  12. User: abradome Server:Stevie MainDomain: mc12.heliohost.org what happened? it worked yesterday and now its suspended. (last thing i did was i uploaded CGI:IRC)
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