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Everything posted by Kim-Lan

  1. I think I'll learn Flash once I have a stable website up. I'm not sure if it'll be too flashy, though. I guess I'll start out simple and work my way up.
  2. I signed up for an Ads Standard Hosting account on Feb 23, 2008 (8 days ago). My account still doesn't seem to be active, because I can't login to cPanel. I just want to make sure I didn't break any rules or anything, because I really want to host a website on Helio Host (seems spectacular). Also Wizard said: in this topic, and week has gone by for me and I don't want to get in trouble. If you could activate my account, that would be appreciated, but I mostly just want to clarify my position. Please reply. Thanks! Account Name - KimLan URL - http://gpr.heliohost.org/
  3. I was doing a project on Japan, so my group and I wanted a picture of rice for our project. We searched "rice" on Google image search and we found this awesome picture of Riceman. From there, we found the website, and there was this funny little adventure thing with Riceman. Play with Riceman HERE (Don't worry its impossible to lose.)
  4. Today is Read Across America Day commemorating the birth of Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel, 1904). It is also my older brother 20th birthday. As for my birthday, I still have a few months to turn 13. June 12th and I'll be a teenager.
  5. I play the clarinet and Jazz!
  6. I used to play Runescape, but as I grew, it started to seem worse and worse in my eyes (and my account got hacked ).
  7. I am female
  8. Thanks! I try it later...
  9. When I go to the Bank in the Store, I can't click the "Collect Interest" button. Is that normal? I would like to collect my interest if possible. Thanks in advance *Kim-Lan
  10. Well, I'm not Christian, so I wouldn't know, but thanks for the clarification.
  11. My PC is about only a few weeks old! Nice and black (not that it's dirty or anything).
  12. Personally, I really, really want to get a Wii. It's all about Nintendo...and the Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. (:
  13. I think it all depends on Science and what Mother Nature wants.
  14. I already go to W3Schools to learn that stuff. They are awesome! And, Evil Monkey, your website seems pretty good, probably still developing it though. I think you need to describe what your website is more in the homepage or else you won't draw in people. I guess I'll just keep learning PHP then, I already know XHTML, CSS, and Javascript (sorta).
  15. I have an idea for those religious people. See if God created the original creatures on the Earth, and then everything evolved from the few original creatures. It makes sense to me, but whatever. At my school (In Southern California), they teach evolution, too.
  16. Do you believe in what scientists (and everyone else) call evolution? I do believe in evolution, but I do understand people do not think evolution is real because of their religious beliefs. So, I want to see what people here think of evolution. Tell your side of the story here. Reasons I believe in evolution: I do not believe in God,so my religious beliefs do not counter evolutionThere is physical proof of gradual change in animals until they become a new species (fossils)Evolution is considered a theory. In Science (as I learned in school), a theory is a well-tested concept backed up by a good amount of evidenceScientists believe itIt makes sense
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  18. What do you think is the best language I can learn to form my website? I'm somewhat a beginner in website making. I currently know HTML/ XHTML and are learning PHP. I have an idea for my website, but I want to know how I can make my website better than average before I start developing it. I've been thinking that PHP is a good language to use, but I don't know that much about it. Please post your thoughts on the subject. Thanks!
  19. I come from California, USA.
  20. 1205
  21. Hi! My name is Kim-Lan. I signed up for the Ads Standard Hosting Plan yesterday and are currently waiting for account validation. I just joined HelioNet today, though. I am 12 years old and come from California, USA. I've recently become interested in web development and have put together an idea for a website I wish to someday have. However, I believe I'm a long way off. HelioHost/ HelioNet seem like a wonderful place and I hope to become better acquainted. Also, I LOVE Penguins! (Mostly Emperor Penguins) PENGUINS RULE!!! P.S. I like smilies! :angry:
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