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Everything posted by dopewars

  1. limewire has it
  2. SOAD and other heavy metal
  3. Limewire works for me
  4. I play guitar and drums kind of
  5. SOAD has been my idol band since i was six, and i agree also serj's solo is sick
  6. Great movie lol
  7. lol Gotta love Mclovin
  8. i thought it was good
  9. although the first was sweet
  10. i enjoy the series of books and movies and think they continue to grow and add to the story line absolutly love it
  11. Definatly both
  12. I liked Crouching tiger, hidden dragon
  13. portal and other orange box games are too slow
  14. I enjot the 360 more but detial and gaming wise PS3 wins hands down
  15. I thought it was fun
  16. Pac-man and wizards & warriors are both the worst games
  17. I liked the game and setup but im more of a diablo fan
  18. I used to enjoy this game but seeing as im on dial up. it sucks
  19. Crazy war game, loved it
  20. i definatly loved 360 and playstation3
  21. Definatly a must see
  22. thast a sick encode script
  23. Its amazing that they could steal it that easy, and not be sliced by some high tech laser.
  24. Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon was on tv today great movie (Subtitles) # 1/2 hrs long. Its a great ****star movie
  25. Skate. was an amazing game for xbox360
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