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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. We're working on it.
  2. snusite@snusite.heliohost.org will log into the root folder of snusite.com.
  3. Read the Support FAQ. It takes 24 hours.
  4. Thanks Nice gradient.
  5. What exactly are you planning on using the account for?
  6. CAKE? CAKE?! CAAAAAKKKEE!!! (Ty djbob. I like working here for teh cakes)
  7. snusite@snusite.heliohost.org is the one you want.
  8. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  9. LOL!
  10. Spammers target us because we're popular. We only have 3 admins. We do our best, but not we're not here 24/7. We volunteer our time. I'm sorry you're bothered, but really? That was incredibly whiny.
  11. Give it some more time.
  12. Yes. Apache restarts only once a day.
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. Please list all the ftp accounts.
  15. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  16. It takes a day for any domain to be added. That's why you saw the "not configured yet" page.
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. inmage.com.br is your domain? I see nothing there.
  20. I am using snuupy@snusite.heliohost.org right now, but I can't create one at snuupy@snusite.com. Is this possible? I heard that my DNS or something was messed up, and only an admin could fix it? -Snuupy Edit: I just saw on my side: Main Domain snusite.heliohost.org Can this be changed to snusite.com, as that's my main domain? Please go to http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/..._pure-ftpd.html and tell me what accounts you see. There should already be a FTP account setup for snusite.com. We could change your domain, but it wouldn't really make a difference. We would also have to remove your "snusite.com" domain from the system, which would take at least a day.
  21. What are the details you're punching into your FTP client?
  22. Did you read the Support FAQ? It sounds like you didn't set the nameservers.
  23. What is your username and domain?
  24. Username? Domain name? Wordpress url?
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