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Everything posted by lafl

  1. I made a donation, but on the PLESK ETA page it says I have a $0.00 donation
  2. Thank's for all your cooperation.
  3. Thank you. I already got to enter CPanel! But now I have another problem. When I try to associate a my domain the following error appears: «(XID 5kaaju) The DNS entry for" luisloureiro.tk "already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. » I had the domains luisloureiro.tk and loureiro.tk associated with the account I had on Stevie. Do you have to do something to be able to use it again? Thank you very much for your cooperation.
  4. Hello. Thanks for the collaboration and the invite to Tommy server, but I have a problem a few hours ago. I created my account and associated the old domain (that you released) luisloureiro.heliohost.org but when I try to login it always says "Invalid Login". I have already cleared the browser cache and tried to view the site through a proxy, but it did not work. Can you help me please?
  5. Hello. I have the same problem. My domain is: luisloureiro.heliohost.org and username: lafl How can I do to transfer from stevie to another server? To opt for Tommy can I make the donation by credit card? And what is the amount that allows me to create an account with Tommy? Greetings and thank you in advance.
  6. Hello, I have a problem with my hosting. I have installed Moodle and needed to upload a file, but the Maximum file size is 8M (maybe needed 100M). How can I resolve the situation? Can you help me? Thank You.
  7. It worked! Thank you, very much!
  8. Hello. I have a problem of access to phpMyAdmin to manage my databases. Asks me username and password! Already eliminated the users with access to databases in MySQL, and created new users again, but the problem persists. In MySQL the following message appears: "This server is running an unsupported MySQL version (5.1) Ask your system administrator to upgrade MySQL to Improve security and features.." Can you help me in this problem? Thank you.
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