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Everything posted by JimBOB

  1. Yeah, wow... Its funny, but gross altogether, good one!
  2. Lol, Id like to see that go on in real life! Oh wait, it wouldn't! Todays bartenders aren't that stupid, you know.
  3. Holy, I did NOT see that coming! Lol. I'm gunna share that one around... Still laughing...
  4. The last movie I watched in my Leisure time was Resident Evil: Extinction. The last movie I saw (with school) was I think it was Hitler: In color... or something like that, for history.
  5. Wheres' Goldeneye? That movie is my my favorite. The only reason I like it is because it relates to the game.
  6. Probably 28 Weeks Later, or movies related to that kind of story.
  7. IMO, None of the harry potter movies were good, AT ALL! I'm sorry, but I'm not into that kind of movie...
  8. Infinity -1! You know that has to be the closest number, lewl!
  9. 1152
  10. Hey guys, I'm new here... looking to start off my community, and I found this, actually... A friend recommended it to me, it's a great plan! I hope to be a long time member here, and I hope I get to meed nice people, who can help me in certain scripting... Thanks guys!
  11. Yea, hes the guy from knocked up, and hes the guy from 40 year old virgin. Great actor, Canadian I think... and yeah, Superbad is the best movie I've ever saw!
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