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Everything posted by FluffeKing

  2. Yes you are allowed to but my guess is before you make it ask the staf first
  3. can somone tell me how to install it on helihost
  4. i know but i am talking about the MySQL Database
  5. I don't want to delete MySQL database because it contains information for my forum and i don't want to set it up all over again so some how someone please help
  6. I have seem to forgotten my database password isnt there a way to get it back or change it without knowing it please i dont want to delete it and start a new one If an admin or a mod can reset it for me that would be great
  7. Hello My Names Fluffe (not really my real name is Masroor). I am liking it here and the service is pretty good. Like I said in my other post (Hey Heliohost i will promote you) and i started promoting you to my friends and i dont know if there intrested but any way how is everyone doing?
  8. No Problem That's the least I can do for a free good service.
  9. Thank You. For you Response. I was planning to run multiple sites under one domain and I will keep in mind before uploading anything to my account and when i do reach my limit i will probably ask the same question again. Thank You.
  10. HEY HELIOST/Helionet I wanted to say thank you . Even though you guys are only five and you give only 500 mb on stevie and johnny has server problems, but I really like the service you provide and its still way better than the others i have used and thank you for your hard work and the best thing out of all that is that its free. I hope you guys get more popular and I am setting up my forum through your service and I will be happy to recommend you guys that's the least i can do right. So
  11. IS there any way to get more storage on server stevie. I am making a forum which i just started but I noticed that (on server stevie) i am limited to 500mb so i was wondering if there is a way to get more storage. it would really help in any staff member would give me more storage please. I just started my account like couple of days ago and i will be uploading a lot of stuff on server so please don't tell me I have alot of space until i run out. Thank You!
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