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Everything posted by rkysh

  1. I have a domain registered at godaddy [www.example.com]. And i have a free hosting at Heliohost I want to point my domain to Heliohost's FTP server where my pages are hosted. I googled this and I was instructed to change my nameservers of godaddy to Heliohost's nameserver, then add the FTP IP in the A-Record. But I, without changing the nameservers, Added the A-Record to point to Heliohost's and added a custom domain at Heliohost's [www.example.com to point to public_html] and its working. I'm currently using my original nameserver. Then why is it instructed to change nameservers everywhere. Is it mandatory ??
  2. Username : rakrish Server : Stevie Domain : rakrish.heliohost.org can i know the reason pls ?
  3. I am getting the following error...Pls help The server was not able to find the document (./502.shtml) you requested. Please check the url and try again. You might also want to report this error to your web hosting provider. Username : rakrish Site : rakrish.heliohost.org Server : Stevie
  4. Getting the following error User rkysh already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections I have closed all the connections in the finally block, then too. Domain : rkysh.heliohost.org <%! Connection con; %> <% try { java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-M-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String sdate=sdf.format(now).toString(); String ip=request.getRemoteAddr(); String query = "insert into ip(IP,DATEE) values ('"+ip+"','"+sdate+"')"; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/rkysh_iplog"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection (url, "*****", "******"); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); int i = stmt.executeUpdate(query); }catch(SQLException e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); }finally{ if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }} %>
  5. Sorry guys I was getting error when i started this thread. I dunno how it got solved. Thank You everyone
  6. JSP page 404 Error which used to work till yesterday. I haven't made any changes, but still. rkysh.heliohost.org
  7. I own a domain rakz.in. When i go to rakz.in, i need to access my files hosted here at Heliohost. Rakz.in is currently not with godaddy, but i'm gonna transfer it to godaddy. So after adding nameserver with my registrar, what else do i need to do ?? Sorry for all the trouble, i'm new to all this
  8. Ya that page is of heliohost but when i use mydomain.com, it gives me the default parking page. Maybe cos i didn't add the name servers. Do i need to make any changes here at heliohost ???
  9. Thank you for your timely reply. Do i need to add heliohost's NS to godaddy ?? I made the changes about 12 Hrs back. The changes have been reflected but i'm getting the Default Page. Domain : rkysh.heliohost.org Username : rkysh
  10. How do i setup my domain at GoDaddy to access my hosted files here ?? I tried adding A record at godaddy with value But i'm getting the default parking page of heliohost. Please somebody guide me.
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