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Everything posted by infinity

  1. Hmm. Fedora is OK. I like Ubuntu better, but you must like it better for some reason. Red Hat is one of my favorites though.
  2. Java, or C++. Java to being with, I think.
  3. That's awesome. Keep it up! Welcome, as well!
  4. I don't like the idea at all. Starcraft is in its prime, and will probably get worse. All that can get better is the graphics, and if anything the campaigns. Starcraft is godly already, but I'm afraid all that will happen now is complete overpowering of units and races. I'll stick with the original, thanks.
  5. USA. I live in Hawaii.
  6. I'm a Christian, and I'm just laughing at this topic. It's so funny. There are so many misconceptions about Christianity, and this is living proof. First off, God does not control all Christians, contrary to popular belief. We have complete control of ourselves, and we are not puppets, or tied to the Bible. I could very well run out and shoot someone. I won't be struck down by lightning once I do so, and even if I did, I could still go to heaven. It wouldn't be very nice, but I could still go to heaven. God forgives all. There is a book that I love reading written by an atheist who converted and became a Christian. It is an excellent book, because he was an atheist reporter, and wanted to investigate God and find facts that would disprove the fact that God exists. http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/jef...er/strobel.html Have fun.
  7. I use distributions of Linux. I have 1 computer on Debian right now, and I had one on Knoppix. Open source rocks.
  8. You can turn all confirmations off.... I love FF. I also have IE, but I hate it. Security sucks, not very user-oriented, and it's quite boring really. FF has add-ons, integrated source viewer, security... I just love the interface. FF for me.
  9. DSL for me is faster than cable. DSL is also about 30$ cheaper, and cable isn't even that good. -.- DSL for the win.
  10. 1136. Most forums don't even have up to 10,000. Most do 2,000 but people still give up.
  11. Or you could just do Infinity-1. But my name is Infinity, so I win already. =D But infinity-1 would be infinity still, and any other equation relating to infinity would either be 0, infinity, or undefined.
  12. My top works: DO NOT RIP PLEASE. It is in no particular order. I have one more, it was a custom desktop background I did for a friend: Rate/Hate. Comments are always appreciated, thanks. ^ ^
  13. It's not very good. i have seen way better, and I could probably do better too... Horrible render quality. I didn't like it. Good text though. ^^/
  14. I make mine on Photoshop. This is one of mine:
  15. I heard this one before! Quite nice, good find.
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