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Everything posted by maths222

  1. If you want to see overall performance over time, visit http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/. Look over the archives at the top of the page. The most important part is the first line under Stevie and Johnny (HTTP). The lighter the color, the faster the server responded at that point in time. If it is red/peachy orange, the server was down at that point. Also, white is not good or bad: it means that the server was not running at that time.
  2. I now get an "Account Queued" page when I visit my website. Also, the script should block domains from being changed if the name server is not already set and the domain is not already in use.
  3. Yes. Sorry that I have two accounts. I thought I had deleted the one on Johnny. Please do delete that one.
  4. Username: maths222 Server: stevie Domain: hprobotics.co.cc I can log into the cpanel. However, when I visit my site, I get an account suspended message. Why? Thanks!
  5. Username: maths222 Default domain name: maths222.heliohost.org Addon domain name: hprobotics.co.cc I get the error "Error from domain wrapper: hprobotics.maths222.heliohost.org is owned by another user."
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