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  1. You did not follow my directions. I get this when I right click it: http://img10.imagesh...16/htaccess.png And I can't find it elsewhere Now I can edit it with your instructions! Thank you
  2. When I search it I only see this: /public_html/.htaccess and when double click it puts me in public_html directory. I don't see htaccess -file in that directory or any directory.
  3. Yeah, I found htaccess file with search through file manager, but when I click that file it just put me back to public_html -directory.
  4. Thanks to you too byron! I found htaccess file by search, but I can't modify it...
  5. Aah okay, thanks for that info . BTW: I have now tested my site quite many times and it really seems to work now. Thank you very much for the help ! I think it really needed only that putenv code.
  6. Oh, yeah, I'm so tired now because I'm from Finland and here is night at the moment . I have never used those timezone PHP commands before. But I have now added these in my website: putenv("TZ=Europe/Helsinki"): 1 getenv("TZ"): Europe/Helsinki 2011-11-30 00:54:12 When I now test my website the time does not change or then I didn't test very well yet. But it seems to work now because of changing timezone at the very beginning of my script with that putenv("TZ=Europe/Helsinki"); . I continue testing.
  7. I added putenv("TZ=XYZ") and getenv("TZ") to my website and I tested it again. The result was that the putenv and getenv did not change. It was only the time which changed... This is so unbelievable problem that I don't know how this could be solved. This is very strange. I can't make reliable system where I save users last activity to database etc. You can try again: http://intr.heliohost.org/index.php Edit:Now I got for example: 2011-11-29 16:37:19 putenv("TZ=XYZ"): 1 getenv("TZ"): XYZ
  8. Edit: It did it again. I see that it changes almost every time when it loads the page longer than usually. It does not always change but sometimes now. It seems to work in your site, but mine not. Please refresh my page very often few minutes and you will see how it changes: http://intr.heliohost.org/index.php
  9. Okay, so I have added to my website a PHP code: $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") When I put "echo" -command to the beginning it shows in my website time like "2011-11-29 21:24:48", but the problem is that time changes almost every time. I mean when I refresh the page it shows 2011-11-29 23:22:44 or 2011-11-30 06:21:21 and so on. So the problem must be at server. I don't even know how that is possible, because it shows the time of server. In my home computer it shows the time exactly correct and in other free web hosting site the time goes normally forward. Does your server change time constantly or something?
  10. Hey! I have added date which shows server time in my website. Unfortunately it shows almost every moment different time. So I can't code a site where I and the others can see when the users have been online and so on. Why is this happening?
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