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Posts posted by teutoburgo

  1. On 8/13/2022 at 9:55 AM, Krydos said:

    You can issue and reissue SSL certificates by logging in to Plesk and going to Websites & Domains > gsakola.com > SSL/TLS Certificates > Reissue Certificate > Check all the boxes except wildcard like below > Click get it free.

    Wildcard SSL certificates aren't supported yet, but they will be eventually. I went ahead and did the above for you to make sure it worked without errors, but if you need to do it yourself some day or if anyone searches and finds this it will help them. In this case there was an error because the transfer script used to only transfer the main domain, but not any additional domains. Once I realized what was happening I fixed the script, but the first few people like you only the main domain's A record was changed. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=gsakola.com


    I wonder if I am in the same situation.. my domain name is teutoburgo.heliohost.org and I own also teutoburgo.tk but the last is not working with SSL if I try to reissue the certificate as suggested.

    Please can you help me?

    Thanks a lot.

  2. Thanks for the reply.. so using the tar.gz backup, will I be able to restore my account on Tommy (after I donate) with one click? Or will I have to decompress the backup and then upload all files with FTP?


  3. Hi,
    I've successfully downloaded the backup of my account on Stevie.. Now my question is: as Stevie will finally be online again, will the not corrupted accounts be restored automatically or will we have to upload all the files again? As my files aren't corrupted it would be nice to get them back automatically..
    Thanks and good luck!


  4. Hello,

    I've requested a password reset (for Heliohost), I've completed all steps, but in the end I get an HTTP ERROR 500

    instead of the message of completed process.

    Could you help me please? I need to login in order to get my account active.




  5. After reading your TOS, it seems to me my site would comply; but I have other questions: so if my account was suspended it would be impossible for me to remove the inappropriate content, right? (my passwords would be changed)

    Would you tell me what would be the violation? 000webhost hasn't done it, so I'm in this unpleasant situation..

    Thank you,


  6. Hi, my website was hosted by 000webhost.com, but recently I've been banned, and still I don't know the reason why.

    Now I'd like to migrate my website on your web host service, but first I have a question for you.

    In case of an eventual violation of your TOS (I really don't want to do it, but since I don't know which part of my site was in violation, it is possible that someone will report a violation again), you'd block only the web page in violation or the whole site? Would I be able to remove only the unfit contents, and to continue the publication of the rest?


    Thank you,


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