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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Thanks. Shouldn't be a huge problem for me if Postgres goes down occasionally. This project is pretty low-key. Do you prefer a message here when Postgres goes down, or should we just be patient? : ) Actually, now that I think about it, it wouldn't be too hard to write a php script that runs on cron to test for postgres availability. You could have it email you when things went kaput or run the shell scripts to restart the service. Or a combination of the two. : ) Just a thought. Anyhoo, thanks again! Tony
  2. Hey there - Having difficulties creating a PostgreSQL DB using the cPanel, either I get a false positive from the wizard, or I get the "Error from Postgres Wrapper" message - same problem as in this thread. If you could work your magic that'd be appreciated. Sounds like postgres is kinda temperamental here - Is it just with creation that people have problems? Thanks in advance, Tony
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