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  1. If this feature is free it would be nice to have one.
  2. I agree with you macs are only any safer if used properly and thanks for the firevault tip it was really useful
  3. Please also post your internet provider
  4. I wish I could get a antimater run car so I wouldn't need to spend the big bucks on it
  5. Maybe your "idiots" are geniuses so don't be rude to them even if i disagree and say they wrong
  6. I think that we should try mutate ourselves to not need for but sunlight that would be real cool evolution
  7. Maybe some of your ideas may be valid.
  8. I think USA would join and loose to the superior numbers and technology like a twig to a diamond cutter
  9. I believe in God deffinetively
  10. I dislike Bush he took his Ford down careless street and bought a humvee and tough he was a soldier He also was a liar egocentric conspirator
  11. Maybe the universe allways existed?
  12. i am I think also we think
  13. See the movie SAINT PATRIC'S BATTALION to know what I mean except if you are in USA or its colonies You can thank History Channel for USA wide blackout of the documentary
  14. I believe that believing that God is infinitely loving is saner than thinking God may be mean because religion makes life better unless it becomes your life
  15. Hi I have worked as a photographer for hire your work is awsome
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