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Everything posted by danny0000d

  1. Hey I got a question I have been with heliohost for a little over a year now and I have been making improvements to my site over the last year, but here's my problem everytime I try to access my site on a web browser it is 500 Internal Server Error. So what happened did I do something or is it that heliohost just doesn't support co.cc anymore? I have been doing some research and I checked everything on my site webpages, programming, and I even made sure my dns was renewed and that nothing was wrong and there wasn't, so I don't understand did heliohost swicth from co.cc to cu.cc or what? (I don't really like cu.cc cause it is more diffcult to us but still I would understand if I was given a good reason why so back to the main question; Does Heliohost not support co.cc anymore or did I mess up? My site is testpage1234.co.cc
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