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Posts posted by 2bigpigs

  1. No, You gain twice what you put into creating the anti-matter (atleast, You should).

    In the ideal case, You have to put in E energy to get E /c2 amount of antimatter by mass.

    When you annihilate it with normal matter, This mass+an equivalent mass of real matter disappear completely giving you

    {(E/c2)+E/c2}*c2= 2*E of energy.

    You put half of that back into making more antimatter and the other half you use ( Assuming 100% efficiency which is impossible.)

  2. It's always better to know how the enemy attacks. It'll depend on what your site does. If it's a simple blog or forum, You probably don't have much to worry about. If you scripted up a lot of it yourself, Then you'll want to read up on the common vulnerabilities.


    On topic:

    Is there a chance we'll have another competition?

    Or some place i can ask for feedback on my system?

  3. Wait, what?

    How can XSS solve any problems?


    I had the simple str_replace version of url tags and img tags.

    I started off with

    str_replace($str, '[url=', '<a href="');str_replace($str, ']' , '">' ) ;
    str_replace($str, '[/url]', '</a>');

    I could XSS by doing something like

    [url=#" onmouseover="alert('xss');]Very interesting link [/url]


    Needless to say, I changed it the same night.

  4. Cool.

    I'd say mysql queries were probably the hardest parts when i was writing mine. Mine sucks though. Make no mistake about it but what evolved from it isn't that bad and that is what brought me here.

    I didn't get a hang of objects in PHP till last week.

    I was a bit surprised that i had to use $this everywhere. Not like C++ :(


    I should probably get to rewriting a lot of my code now that i'm a bit more at ease with PHP.


    Also, XSS is something i spent a lot of time reading on when i was doing my bbcode.

    I used a simple str_replace system. Boy was it vulnerable :(

  5. I learnt PHP and mysql by writing my own forums system 2 months ago. It's not very professional since i had only been writing php for a month and coding in general for a year.


    This forum runs on IPB3, made InvisionPower board. IPB is a great forum software.


    You can always go to http://www.big-boards.com/ to and do a filter by forums software.


    PHPBB is an open-source forums software. You can find the code and database structures by googling ( Though it's more fun to design your own and then compare).

    VBulletin isn't as sexy but it's quite popular.

    And the custom thing 4chan runs on i guess. Careful with 4Chan, I've never dared to venture into it.


    I hope you've messed with the admin-CP of a forum, It really helps your understanding of the code at work.

    Can i keep updated on your work? I'm curious about how you'd be doing it and like to compare my work against someone elses.

  6. in nuclear fusion the matter will be in plasma state. Till now after a thousand or mill year after human existence no one has found a container that can contain the plasma for the fusion to take place.

    Russians are not humans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak

    anti matter is some thing which can be seen only for fraction of a second with currently available technologyp


    On April 26, 2011, ALPHA announced that they had trapped 309 antihydrogen atoms, some for as long as 1,000 seconds (about 17 minutes). This was longer than neutral antimatter had ever been trapped before.

    And that's about neutral antimatter. (1 antiproton + 1 positron ).


    Antimatter anhilates any matter it touches (Or rather the corresponding pieces of matter)... So you just keep it from touching anything and that's what the scientists do.


    It's a lot easier to store charged antimatter. Just keep it going around in a ring till you feel like using it (In Proton-Antiproton collissions, For example).


    and it is predicted by many scientist and other philosophers that the appropriate technology for harvesting energy from anti matter will be available in future , if not us may be our next or the subsequent generation may be able to see what it is.

    You don't need a philospher to tell me what the humans are going to do. We're such a funny species.



    Okay now finally my view on the topic:

    Why should we go invest MILLIONS AND BILLIONS in technology that isn't likely to help us any time soon and would still be rather scary. ( Anti-matter Bombs ).


    I'd rather throw in a bit more in renewable energy (Like wind or solar or even tides) for domestic needs and something like fusion or anti-matter for industrial needs (when it becomes available)


    My state gets roughly 60% of it's power from hydro-electric plants. (Homework from years ago, I remember it being 70%). We have a lot of rivers so it's rather practical.

    Just did some research: 85% of the state's electricity generation is from renewable sources. I'm not sure we're 100% self-reliant though and we do have power-cuts during summer :(


    Photo-Voltaic technology: It's clean, And becomes cheaper and more efficient as time passes. Yes, It'll takes a lot of space for the output it gives but it won't need anyone to look after it and doesn't need fuel. Winter will suck but it's great for where i am :)


    Wind technology great too. But not every-place is windy :(


    Tides: Not all countries have a coastline or a big difference in tides. But if you do, You may as well use it :P


    Waves: I live in a coastal city. We have MILES of coastline with enough waves lashing the beaches to power our whole city. (Medium sized, We're still a developing country)


    It'll never be enough to satisfy all our energy needs but That's why i said i'd use fusion or something for industrial needs.

    Also, The situation shouldn't be:

    'Global population is rising- Energy needs rise - We must produce more.'


    You can always cut down on consumption- Make more efficient devices, More efficient machines.

    Recycle more - It saves a lot of energy.


    You can't keep increasing the energy output forever. We'll eventually have to cut down a lot and reach a level where our energy needs don't grow.


    That's why i'm not enthusiastic about anti-matter as an energy source.

    'm not enthusiastic about anti-matter as an energy source.

  7. I read that the FROM statement is executed before the WHERE statement.

    So what i understand is:

    SELECT * FROM tbl_1 JOIN tbl_2 ON <condition> WHERE tbl_1.id='value';

    Would first join the 2 tables according to the ON condition and then go about retrieving rows according to the WHERE condition.


    So would this be faster?:

    SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM tbl_1 WHERE tbl_1.id='value')A JOIN tbl_2 ON <condition>;



  8. I would also like to do this.

    I have a very similar situation and I'm worried about using too much. All my PHP code is written with what i've learned from w3schools and i haven't been programming too long (Started at 16, i'm 17) so i'm a bit worried about how much i use up.


    I time my execution and queries. My normal execution time is <0.1 seconds and 2 to 5 queries depending on the page.

    Could i also PM an admin when my site has some traffic?

  9. Kinda goes against the logic of calling it '$to' doesn't it?

    Also, It's a contact us form so i'd expect the message to come to MY email ID rather than from it...


    Yes, I'd like use heliohost's email. I just need to know whether i have to configure something to use a certain email by default or something.

    And, more importantly, whether it would need authentication.

  10. Hello!

    I signed up on johny on thursday. My account has been created and i can access C-Panel but my site gives me an account queued message. It says something like:

    Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel.


    Thanks for choosing HelioHost! We wish you good luck with your website.


    The HelioHost Staff


    Does that mean i have to wait or is it a default redirect because i haven't yet uploaded files to it?


    It's taking a while and i'm just getting a bit impatient. :rolleyes:

  11. Cool thanks.

    One more question:

    What email account would the mail be sent from? Does it need authentication (how do i do it, if it needs), do i have to configure it in cpanel? Any special settings to check?


    I have my code down now, My site still isn't up :( so i figured i'd ask now so i waste not time getting it up.

  12. I have my own scripts for registration/validation. I've only used it on WAMP on my local machine with it's PHP.ini configured to use sendmail.

    so it's been a simple use of the mail() function.


    I have my heliohost email accounts setup. How would i go about using them to mail?

    You don't have to go into TOO much detail.

    Thanks in advance.


    PS: I'm new to webhosting so i'm unfamiliar with a lot of things. Just got my account queued yesterday and i've run CPanel once.

    My site isn't up yet but it will be today :)


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