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Everything posted by kittykat

  1. and what if you re-add public html? but won't you still have all subdomains and everything... EDIT: not true, i deleted it, now files in teh WWW directory show up...lest see how long they last XD EDIT2: O MY... i have 32976 emails on my domain, from cron daemon, even tho i never even use cron jobs.... freaky... lol mail makes up 32 mb? email non-checking = wat is wrong with me Edit: found use of the site nwo, it will have all my script tests before they enter my pther site, witch, is hosted on paid hosting with sertin fetures i cannot get here. LOL, i almost went < /p> like on a html page
  2. Hey, I posted a review cause I couldn't stop myself, why, unknown, but here is the link: http://www.freehostsfinder.com/host-review...p?HostID=138.P9 When i posted this, im top of that page, and only one on there, i did not post this for helions, and really couldn't care weather I get them or not, I just wanted to make a review of you!
  3. lolz nice, google and wikipedia, make a good team don't they, that was funny wonder how many votes he will get next, is he even up for vote next? very unlikely
  4. Imagine, the teacher would be like wow, what? and then you would probably say, "Well, you told me to write this amount of lines, and that phrase, so I did, what can you do about it?" and then the teacher would go tell the leader, or the principle and then you would go "Help Me!" and she would say no (: ^^ there is more humor on the topic (: EDIT: I made myself a working c++ copy: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int count; for(count=1;count<=500;count++) cout << "I will not throw paper airplanes in class\n"; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } It opens, then writes the line 500 times, and it sits there, cause i used system("PAUSE"); Also, its working if anyone wants to write it on a board
  5. Hey, djbob, as you can see its been much over 3 months, and my account is active....... i waited a while, and started using my account after about 5-6 months, so i have no idea now....i wish it had a delete button in the CPanel interface.. Not to self...maybye not ever use cpanel ^^
  6. kittykat

    Changes Coming

    Nice, can't wait to see the new server go, and the new homepage.... it scares me..... help meeee XD its all scary cause this host is getting a pro design, and i will forget its heliohost, and think its a brand new host ^^ freaky ^^ i cannot belive i finally have an account on these forums again, after like a year of trying to get my non-working account, to work...cause i forgot everything i do not remember side panels and bbcode help buttons... lol
  7. ok...i just want ALL the files gone, all my email..subdomains ect...gone...is that a big problem? it would take forever to do 1 by one....and if i can't, can i have my space upgraded, to a bigger amount without recreating my account and selecting it? thanks...
  8. Hello, is it possible to "RESET" my account, like, delete ALL the files on my service real quick? im shore i've seen a "reset account" button somewhere, thanks in advance.... i should have signed up with more disk space, im on ads unlimited i needed much more space, but i didn't think before... only got 150 megs, need more so i want to delete everything. but keep account. so when i go to my site its kinda blank. :angry:
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