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Everything posted by zooter

  1. sweet, thank you!
  2. yes please...
  3. Hi, I'm trying this via my control panel (when I meant i'm trying in my site)
  4. username: zooter domain: ram-mohan.com addon: mycurrentcontactinfo.com getting error: Error from domain wrapper: mycurrentcontactinfo.ram-mohan.com is owned by another user.
  5. Hi, I've not done anything yet in my site (apart from adding an index.html page). I'm trying to password protect directories and it asks me to uninstall frontpage extensions. But when I go to my site and try to uninstall frontpage extensions, I get an error "Server Not Found". How do I fix this? My username: zooter My server: stevie domain: www.ram-mohan.com Thanks in advance
  6. I agree with this. THere is some bigger problem than clearing cache. My website also (www.ram-mohan.com) fails to load. I've tried with different browsers, VPN, office connection, home connection all with similar results. I find it hard to believe that cache has to be cleared everywhere. Secondly, the link to clear your cache is broken. So I still am assuming this is deleting temporary files. Could admins fix the broken link?
  7. 1. zooter 2. Stevie 3. ram-mohan.com PS: Clearing cache link is not working for me. But I've tried multiple browsers and machines. I'm assuming clearing Internet cache is deleting browsing history and temp files...
  8. You do know that htaccess is hereditary? If you set it for no indexing from your public_html htaccess file, all directories will follow that rule. Hi Thanks, I'll do that, but still my original question of what the default "index level" is is still a mystery to me
  9. Hi, What is the "Default System Setting" for Index Manager? I'm hoping it is No Indexing as otherwise I've to manually change the indexing for all sub-directories under my public_html/ folder I couldn't find this information anywhere by searching. Thanks, Ram
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