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  1. Thanks. I was able to access my cpanel through my default port 80. But how do i login through 2082? the wiki mentioned that my login activity will not be logged unless i log in through the port 2082. I am using comodo firewall and i tried setting rules to allow 2082 in the setttings. But still i get the "could not connect to stevie.heliohost.org:2082" error... Please help.
  2. sorry forgot. cpanel username: praveenp domain : socialcloud.cz.cc server : stevie
  3. i get an error page "stevie.heliohost.org:2082" when i try to access I am unable to log in to my account after creation. I tried to login from heliohost.org also, i get the same could not connect to.... error. When i visit the domain, i get "Heliohost account queued. ..... While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel. " But the control panel link lands on an error page. Please help soon
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