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Everything posted by naynesh

  1. What do you do when you go onto your computer. Do you 1)Go on helionnet.org? 2)Play on games? 3)Go on a chat service(email)? 4)other(please mention)?
  2. Karath could i ask you something.Do i have to pay for it?Or does it come free. Also can you die permenantly or do you just go to the hospital.(Have you played this game?).
  3. Well what does the set out plan of a Standard american have if he wants to get a degree??
  4. How can because thats lying because Halo 3 doesn't come out until the 25th of september. Either you not telling the truth or im going mental(lol) Anyways Kyougi i think graphics are important.Because say if your playing fifa 07 and you dont have good graphics you cant tell which players which.Which is not a good thing.So the main thing is that you need graphics which are reasonalble not really really good.
  5. Here are the series' of the Ipaq: Model RAM H1910 64 H1915 64 H1930 64 H1940 64 rx1950 32 H2210 64 H4150 64 hx2410 64 hx2495b ? hx2750 128 hx2790 64 hx2790b 64 hx4700 64 rz1700 32 rx3100 32 rx3400 32 rx3700 64 h6300 64 hw6500 64 hw6900 64 rw6800 64
  6. Also not to mention Football,cricket,tennis,swimming,running and many more. Because most people might buy it to have fun and get exercise at the same time. The wii is not always for getting fit.It can be for fun(if you have the Wii classic controller.
  7. So Kyougi which one do you think it better because i want to download one but i want to see who likes which program.Kyougi if you downloaded a program which one would you download?Limewire/frostwire even if you dont have them?
  8. OOF TOPIC:Djbob you you pay in cash for each domain or do you get it for free like is it a certain amount of money a month for unlimited domian package because if you pay for them seperately then I can find you a unlimited package deal for $3 a month.
  9. Kyougi can you close the topic now i have all the infomation i need thank you for you help,everybody!
  10. To send helions to another person "Karath" you will first have to follow these steps carefully.Got that? Step 1:Click on store. Step 2:After that you will see a menu.Beneath that menu there are four options.Click on "Send money". Step 3:It will then come up with Member to give Helions To: Amount to give: Message to send the Member: Step 4:Fill in those forms. Step 5:Click send. Now you have sent your helions to tht person. *Note:if you have tabs then open a new tab and follow the instuctions.With doing the inructions on the second tab.
  11. So what are we going to do about the topic.Everone(mostly)have been posting off topic issues.So Djbob could you tell me what we have to do?
  12. Could you send me a link of emule or any other sites you know which are like limewire and frostwire!
  13. ould you send me a link thanks
  14. I cant download frostwire can someone send me a link to get this service.Is it the same as limewire? Is limewire a copy version or is it owed by the same guy?
  15. Im using this service to get a free domainas a present to give to my University friend.Who has had difficult times with her mum and dad died in a car crash.
  16. No,im saying do you think that hthe internet should be cheaper for young users.Like me and you. And if someone goes to uni and they have to buy something which costs a fortune like a website which has over 2k gb then what will happen ,you tell me?
  17. Whenever i click on the link it comes up with nothing. Anyways i prefer goolge because its poular and works quite quick and gives you info on what speeds and gives you better searches and more because its popular so most people chose the engine. Like "Dragonfire" said it has :email websearch,video search,spreadsheets,webhosting,image search,shopping and something extra like it has merged with youtube.That why i like Google!!!
  18. Oh right i didnt realise because i have my thing set to "all time" Why is this not quoting you.Whenever i press quote i cant quote anyone.Its just goes grey can you tell me how to solve this
  19. Will they stay on top or crumle to bits.Have your say!! Please say why.If you think their new manager will be good enough to keep up the expectations of the chelsea fans and board.
  20. What your worst game that you have ever played? And I mean ever!Graphics-wise,fun-wise. Why didn't you like it? Would you ever play it again if it was the only game in the whole world?
  21. But the Wii isnt a fat kids play toy.I have a Wii and i only weigh 8 stone for a 22 year old. That was an useless reply because that mean your stating that whoever has a Nintendo Wii is fat and they want to get fitter by having fun.In some ways the wii is a good thing letting people have fun and stay fit. P.s. Santa The wii has nothing to do with this topic.
  22. Yes even i don't believe in magic but Harry Potter is fake/make believe and the graphics are made to look real.But Harry Potter is more like a quest than shooting.
  23. Many people in the U.K. don't go beyond high school but are you going to/doing couses at university and getting your A level's?Or are you doing a job just after you have finished high school.
  24. Well to think about it karath i use Phillips' products all the time but i prefer Sony.Would you say Karath that you always buy Phillips' products or do you buy other products?Like Dell for you pc.
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