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Everything posted by Parth

  1. Does the 24 hour period apply to all DNS changes like if I add a subdomain, or change MX records, or anything?
  2. cPanel username: parth primary domain: htrap.net Domain in question: bharatyouthgroup.com Okay so, I added this add on domain without any problems in cPanel. However, the site does not work right because the nameservers aren't in sync. http://heliohost.grd...pl/dns-checker/ (enter bharatyouthgroup.com) You'll find that NS1 has no records for it, but NS2 does. I have a feeling this is the reason why I am not directed to the right cpanel account when trying to view that domain. (I get the Account Queued message) Any help? Thanks.
  3. I have this same issue.
  4. I just wanted to let you guys know that cpdavd, the daemon that handles WebDAV traffic has failed. It's not a major thing, but perhaps some people do use it and it explains why it isn't working on Stevie. Also I just noticed that cpupd was run and probably still is finishing up. Maybe cpdavd needs a manual restart. <- nvm, server load is still super high. EDIT: August 18, 03:23 AM - Updated image, more daemons are down: ftpd, and spamd. 03:27AM - Okay things are starting to come back.
  5. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=10116 djbob is planning to run the update command soon.
  6. I use Safari on OS X because it fits well with the OS itself. The biggest reason to use Safari is because on Apple's portable computers with automatic graphics switching, most 3rd party browsers trigger my dedicated card and heat up my computer and destroy my battery life (goes from 7-8 hours to 4-5 hours - bleh). Of course, it's Apple's fault for creating such a backasswards API for CoreAnimation. Every time an application uses any CoreAnimation calls, it triggers the dedicated graphics card even though the integrated one is able to handle it just fine. Apple has of course added exceptions for Quicktime X and Safari, but developers are pretty much screwed. I use gfxcardstatus for informational purposes, but I've had many applications crash because I decided to force the integrated card so I just don't bother anymore. Meh.
  7. Android - Samsung Galaxy S II I'm happy.
  8. New York, USA! and no I don't live in NYC, 'mmkay?
  9. I couldn't access helionet.org either.
  10. Haha thank you And yeah unless cPanel & WHM is on the CURRENT release tier, they don't update the integrated scripts like webmail as often as they should. It very may well be fixed in an new release of Roundcube which is on version 0.5.3 now but changing the release tier also introduces instability. =\
  11. Parth

    HelioPanel Beta

    Sometimes cpanel doesn't have some features that we would like (example RoR 3). Not having our own control panel means we are subject to cpanel's lack of some features, this is just something to supplement cpanel. That's what I was thinking, just wanted to be sure. I think a good idea is to provide a real DNS Zone editor (something like the raw zone editor that WHM has) for power users. Of course, a zone reset feature would also be necessary in that case (like cPanel already has in it's "Advanced" DNS Editor) for those who touch things they don't know how to use... One thing that really annoys me about cPanel is that it does not allow management of all types of DNS entries. One of the more common of the "advanced entries" are SRV. It's becoming more common for users to want to add these entries for Google Talk on their Google Apps Domain and in my opinion, I like doing things like this myself more for the learning experience. I hate having to resort to asking support channels to do things that I am very well capable of doing myself. I guess it can also help cut down on unnecessary support requests too.
  12. Parth

    HelioPanel Beta

    What are your future plans with this script? Will it ultimately replace cPanel?
  13. http://htrap.net/roundcube/installer/index.php?_step=1 Says otherwise =\ And this: http://htrap.net/php_info.php So you are correct in saying it is installed, but it's disabled.
  14. Now that the forum page has decided to load... onward! I would like to request the following PHP extensions to be installed/enabled: Fileinfo, and Intl. I know that Intl was requested in the other "php extensions" thread, but unfortunately only APC made the cut. I'm going to assume Intl was simply forgotten to be installed. The reason why I'm asking for these two is because of Roundcube mail. I like making sure I get the full capability of the script and I can't do that unless these two are installed. I'm going to assume that Fileinfo is going to be used more for attachment viewing and Intl for localization. I know that Fileinfo is shipped and enabled by default with the standard PHP 5.3 package so any security risks it poses (if any) must be extremely insignificant so why is it disabled/not installed? Thanks for reading! EDIT: Also just noticed, why is Roundcube disabled in cPanel? I don't usually use the one packaged by cPanel because it's usually horribly out of date but I'm still curious anyway.
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