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Posts posted by SC__Programmer

  1. no,not that i know of.this was in my public_html.


    here's my full file,

    # -FrontPage-
    IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*
    <Limit GET POST>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from all
    <Limit PUT DELETE>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    AuthName DevTalk.co.cc
    AuthUserFile /home1/sc/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
    AuthGroupFile /home1/sc/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp
    ErrorDocument 500 /home1/sc/public_html/500.html

  2. i hate to bump this thread but i dont want to make a new one.


    It recently stopped bringing up my 500 html page and replaced it with the old one.


    here's the code i got,

    ErrorDocument 500 /home1/sc/public_html/500.html


    Why wont it work?

  3. Is there a way i can have my custom error pages?


    because on the 500 one it says my original heliohost.org name instead of my .co.cc name.and i dont want people seeing my heliohost.org one because its totally different then my .co.cc one!

  4. ive tryed all day and it wont work,and now its saying,

    Sorry, "sc-world.heliohost.org" does not exist or could not be found



    so has my site been deleted?


    Edit: is this how the server always is?if its going to be doing DNS errors all the time then im going to move to a different server >_>


    i guess this is the catch...

  5. hey im SC__Programmer,and i just singed up lol.


    i have a couple questions before i create my web hosting account....


    *I see a request Java section on this forum,so does that mean if i choose "Stevie" i can still have Java?

    *What kind of MySQL Editor do you have?like PHPMyAdmin and ect...



    thanks :)

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