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Derpy Hooves

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Posts posted by Derpy Hooves

  1. I had the same problem as Elmyra actually. The site would just be down randomly throughout the day. Sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for up to an hour. I was on Stevie. I basically moved everything to a server I've been paying for because the members of my forum were having so much trouble. I guess you get what you pay for :P

  2. The Server load shows nothing and I'm getting 404's everywhere.


    The server can not find the requested page:


    forgottencity.heliohost.org/index.php? (port 80)


    Please forward this error screen to forgottencity.heliohost.org's WebMaster.


    Oddly enough, Cpanel still works :unsure: My friend's page shows up as queued... Maybe it's just temporary.... but I just want to be sure...



    Wait I think I should have put this in the customer forum...

  3. I have a rather inactive forum that I'm looking to move to free hosting. It gets like 5-50 post a day, 50 being MAX. Usually it's just like 10 posts. It's a Simple Machines forum. Is this allowed? I don't see anything that says I can't do it, in fact MySQL is allowed so I'd assume so... but I want to be sure before I move everything.


    Would I need Johny for this BTW? I can post a link to the forum if need be BTW.. I'm just not sure if I need Johnny for it or not... Just let me know. Thanks.

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