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Everything posted by elmyra

  1. Thank you very much for your time. And Happy Holidays to you!
  2. Thank you. My account isn't suspended then? I was worried that it was.
  3. Heliohost username: elmyra Server: stevie main domain: clerih.heliohost.org I haven't been able to log into my cpanel or view my site for over a week now.. I haven't been able to log into this forum\, either, until today. I tried emailng service@heliohost.org two different times but got no answer. I received no notice of suspension in email. I believe I logged in last within 30 days before my website went down. Was my account suspended? If so, why? May I please reactivate it? I can't even SEE the cpanel login screen when I go to http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/login All I see is a screen saying This site can’t be reachedstevie.heliohost.org took too long to respond. Please help.
  4. PS - I forgot to mention that I'm on an OLD computer from 1998 with software to match, which is most likely the problem. My email acct is in AOL and I have to open a browser separately. When I click on the link, AOL shuts down with a message saying that it shut down due to an error. Oh, thank you so much!
  5. acct name: elmyra server: stevie hosting address: http://clerith.heliohost.org I received an email from you saying that my account was suspended for inactivity. A link was given in that email for me to click on in order to reactivate my account. Each time I click on the link, my internet shuts down - I don't know why. I've tried to click on the link at least 10 times with the same result. Would you please put the link here instead of in an email, so that I can try clicking on the link here? Or print out the address of the link so that I can copy the address into firefox? Thank you elmyra
  6. Thank you VERY much! I've deleted the v.php file, and I've spent the last four hours deleting and then re-loading the files for my site from my computer. However, I do not think my computer is fast enough to restore all files within 24 hours (I only have a phone connection). So I hope I will continue to have access to the file manager so I can continue uploading in case some files still look infected. I'm trying to do it as fast as I can. Once again, thank you very much for your help!
  7. No, I didn't place v.php in public html myself. In fact, I didn't load that file at all. I assume I should delete the file - but I'm not sure what else I need to do. How do I tell which files are infected and which aren't? Should I just delete all files and reload them from the copy I have stored on my computer? Sorry I'm so ignorant about this stuff, but I've never had to deal with it before. And thanks again for all of your help!
  8. Thanks very much to both of you - I'm unfamiliar with things like this. So the problem file is v.php? BTW, I already have a copy of my site on my computer, and I've run Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware on it. Should I just reload the entire thing? If there's an easier way to do it, I don't know how. *blush* Again, thanks for all of your help!
  9. I believe I've already done that. I ran Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on my home computer on 4/5/2014, and it found the following: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\forceclassiccontrolpanel (Hijack.ControlPanelStyle). Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program deleted and quarantined against this malware successfully. Can I assume that the malware has also been deleted from my account?
  10. Hello, My account name is elmyra. I've had a website on the stevie server since 2011. My domain is at: clerith.heliohost.org I do not know why my account was suspended. Some pages of my site are still available, but when I click into other pages, I get a page saying that my account has been suspended. Would you please clarify why this has happened, and explain how to reactivate my account? As I remember, I last visited by cpanel last week so I do not think it's because I've been inactive or anything like that. I would appreciate your help. Thank you.
  11. Thank you very much!!!
  12. My account was suspended after I didn't log into it after one month. My account has been active for at least three years, if not longer. Is there any way to get it active again? My account is on Stevie, and my email address is correctly listed. Thank you!
  13. By "logging into your account" Krydos means logging into your cPanel. According to database records, you last logged in correctly on July 12th - are you sure you are logging in via the HelioHost Homepage and not using a bookmark? Oh, I was using a bookmark instead of the Heliohost Homepage. Sorry about that - my fault. *blush*
  14. Unless I misunderstand what you mean, the last time I logged into my account was on Friday, August 12th. By "logging into my account", I think you mean logging into my cpanel. I posted on this forum last week. Is something else meant by "logging into my account"? I will try the link you gave me for renewing my account, though. Thank you.
  15. I'm just wondering why my website is suspended: - Username: elmyra - Server: Stevie - http://clerith.heliohost.org Thank you.
  16. elmyra

    Power Failure

    Hmmm... okay, this is weird. In the first place, my site was back yesterday and today, so I know I'm on Stevie. There has been no downtime for my site that I'm aware of since the power failure. However, I know there was downtime on my site before the power failure, since several people helped me create the site and they've been checking it, too. All of those people complained about downtime and were asking me why it was down. When I look at the server monitor you linked to, the downtimes we experienced seem to correspond to the downtimes on Johnny - but I know we're on Stevie. Plus, I know Derpy Hooves from another forum, and she was telling me about downtime on her site, too. Like I said, though, I've seen no downtime since the hurricane power failure. I feel like I'm getting off-topic here, too, so please tell me if you'd rather I bring this up in another topic. And maybe I should just wait until it happens again before bringing it up? And thank you very much for the responses!
  17. elmyra

    Power Failure

    If you're on johnny, it's probably because of instability. Thank you for the answer, but no - I'm on stevie. The link to my control panel starts with "http://stevie.heliohost.org:" If I should be asking in another topic, please let me know. I'm still new at this! *blush*
  18. And a comment back to you! :P

  19. elmyra

    Power Failure

    Thanks very much for the information. I was wondering what happened! I'm glad to see my site back up. But I have to ask, and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place - but the topic seems related to me. My site is down for anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour every day. Is that because of power failures, or what? That's really my only complaint about your service. Otherwise, I think you guys do a fantastic job.
  20. I say Windows 7. I've used it, but still have XP on my computer. Hope to get 7 soon. I've used Mac, and it's OK. I just prefer Windows.
  21. Scam people. LOL... "scamming people" should've been another choice in the poll.
  22. Personally, I think that Islam is misjudged by many Americans. I took a few courses on religion in college, and Islam was one of the religions we studied along with Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, etc. My understanding of Islam at that time was that it holds many of the same beliefs as Christianity and Judaism. There are some differences in the scriptures of these faiths, but all three religions believe in one God with very similar characteristics. The main difference between these three faiths is apparently how they view the role of Jesus. I think many Americans have a misconception about Islam primarily because al Qaeda associated itself with Islam, which is unfortunate. Al Qaeda represents Islam as a violent and combative faith that wants to slay all unbelievers, take over the world, and convert everyone - which isn't true at all. In reality, from what I understand, Islam is actually a very peaceful religion with many of the same beliefs as Christianity and Judaism. Although I've never read the Koran, I'm told that the Lord's Prayer is actually on the first page.
  23. I agree that it was still a World War, whether or not the US was involved. But I think the topic starter is talking about whether or not the US would have entered the War if Pearl Harbor hadn't been attacked. That's actually a good question, because Churchill had been asking Roosevelt to help Britain before the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred, but Roosevelt was very reluctant to get involved. I'm no expert on the subject, but IIRC, Roosevelt had been pledging to stay out of the War since the general public opinion was that we should stay out of it. That opinion changed after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  24. Hi everyone! My real name is Aly. I'm a total newbie here, but wanted to say hello to everyone.
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