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  1. Thank you so much! I was able to add them right away!
  2. I cannot add the addon domains to my new account on Stevie that I had added to my Johnny account. I get an error that they are owned by another user.
  3. Great! Thank you so much! I was able to create a new account on Stevie.
  4. I created an account on Johnny but decided to move to Stevie because I didn't need the extras and wanted more stability. I deleted my Johnny account (user name and domain both "rapoport"), but when I try to sign up on Stevie now I get "We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later." Does my account on Johnny need to be manually deleted to get my IP address out of the system, or is my delete request still in the queue (it's been over 48 hours)? Thank you very much, Amy
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