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Posts posted by Xoviat

  1. There's just a few settings that I change. In some instances I require different error reporting (For example, when I'm working on something new, I don't NEED to generate an error_log for everything, seeing it at run-time will do.) and of course the session length. I am still wondering though if there's any sort of session clean-up process which may ignore the extended length, but I guess i'll figure that out over time if there's no answer.

  2. Quick question:


    If I use ini_set, does it affect just my settings or the settings of every user on the server?


    I had no problems changing session.gc_maxlifetime at runtime but I can't find a local instance of php.ini in file manager, so it's made me wonder.


    Figured part of this out with a bit of self-help. I dropped the ini call and ran the page again. The change isn't permanent but appears to take effect when the script is called. Which makes me wonder is I can get away with an extended maxlifetime or if there are background processes that will clean these up. I would ideally have this set somewhere between 9000 and 12000.


    The alternative is constant id regeneration (with disposal) and repopulating the variables via mysql calls if they're not set, this sounds like a type server load which should be avoided.


    Does anyone know much about this?

  3. Can i keep updated on your work? I'm curious about how you'd be doing it and like to compare my work against someone elses.


    I'm all for it. So far, all I've done is create and display a forum structure with view/write perms and displayed posts which I've manually entered into the DB behind it. The code itself is a mess, but for now, I'm fine with that as all I'm doing is making something that works.


    When I've got to the stage where I've converted it into objects (Instead of sitting here with reams of paper, I figure things out coding, it helps me model an OOP solution), I'd be happy to send you the .php files.


    BBCode has been a bit of a stumbling block for me. The PEAR package is a script injection nightmare and uses deprecated HTML tags. I think there's something like 190 known bugs in there and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. For now, I'm just using regex expressions for basic formatting and span tags. Any input on this would be appreciated.

  4. I've spent a little more time on here recently with this new forum layout. I see it as an extremely professional piece of work and I wish to compliment whoever is responsible for putting it together on a well-thought out and implemented design. Take a bow! I'd also be interested which tools you used (if any).


    I am presently writing my own forum from scratch. I don't like working with ready made solutions, I learn nothing that way. I spend quite a bit of time sitting here, figuring out how to mimic some of the functionality of THIS forum as I believe it's THAT good. Naturally, I'm not writing some sort of rip-off, but it reminds me of everything that I should incorporate and has some interesting approaches to the user interface. I have more limitations due to the server space available, but do I find it entertaining (the geek in me can't help it).


    There are MANY forums out there, I would like for this topic to be used for suggestion and discussion of quality forum designs out there as well as available tools. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has gone about coding their own and this topic could be a platform for exchanging information and ideas on the subject.


    Does anyone else have other examples of forums worth looking at?

  5. Just did the math on their premium system. 1 cron job / hour for one year = $90.


    Thinking about it some more, I have a better idea for the time being.. There's actually nothing stopping me from writing a page which makes ajax requests according to an array of timers and reads/updates a mysql_table on timer expiry.


    Of course that means the jobs are dependent upon my connection. Nothing i'm doing here is life or death, just basic maintenance, so it shouldn't matter.

  6. My understanding from experiences elsewhere is that Cron Jobs are best run during periods of low traffic.


    I was wondering: Which time periods in UTC have the lowest traffic?


    I only wish to know this for Johnny, although it might be of benefit to others if Stevie was listed as well (they probably exhibit the same pattern anyways).


    I will then set up my jobs with those periods in mind.

  7. If you did that and you were using cron to run your script every minute of the day, I would suspend your account. If you did it by some outside cron service then we don't have any problems with that.


    Does anyone have a recommended outside cron service? I wish to implement a cron-job which kicks users who have been inactive for over 1 hour. I would probably run it every hour.

    (A tiny task compared with other things possible with a cronjob, but as with all things, rules exist because some one at some point has done something incredibly stupid).


    I've never considered to possibility of an external service before- any recommendations?

  8. I hadn't read this before I posted my own thread on exactly the same subject yesterday. I believe that it's something which needs to be addressed as it's just not good practice for regular site users to be wandering around with super user privs. One slip up in the design of a user input and you risk the most extreme example of an SQL injection problem there is.


    Are there people going around with multiple users assigned and the connections working just fine?

  9. Krydos: Yep, seriously. Like many out there: it's not that I don't believe in higher power, I just don't believe in religion.


    Outside of cultural expectations, I think you'll find that many cling to religion in fear of the unknown, or more specifically, death and some form of judgement. If there is something, I'd rather focus upon how I affect the existence of others and what legacy I'll leave when I'm gone, than deliberately go around chalking up points inorder to win the star prize. All that we know for sure is that our actions here; stay here and have effect beyond our lifespan. Perhaps it's better to focus upon those actions and future decisions than consider a higher being or plane of existence? After all, we'll never know the answer.

  10. How can there even be the concept of a "big bang" if there is no God? How can something with no divine origin (creation) evolve? Yes there is a God.


    XWinUser- Have you considered the possibility that the universe IS God? ;)


    Perhaps we're miniscule elements of God's existence, performing tasks for a purpose which can never be comprehended by anything/one other than the universe/god itself. Perhaps we should stop thinking about it all and just live that existence?


    With that said, does it matter? If you're in the mindset that you're determined to leave your affectable environment in a better state than when you entered it and manage to do so, I'm of the opinion that the question of a God's actual existence (With no particular religion in mind) is irrelevant.

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  11. This all just seems a bit odd. experimenting with it, mysql databases on cPanel appears to pass super-user privs into the schema, but none of the other user privs.


    For the moment, I've altered the return value of my connection function so that everything's going through the super-user connection, but that's not desirable behaviour to say the least.

    I can't create users via query, so I feel pretty much stuck with it.


    Any idea as to what may have happened? Am I doing something wrong here?

  12. I've been getting a fair amount of max user connection errors in mysql lately.


    I imagine that most of this is due to how I'm currently using mysql. I currently have 4 databases, and I'm opening/closing connections a lot. This is because I wish to make nifty classes/interfaces that I can slap into any future project with independent DBs. I'm guessing after almost OCD level code review that mysql can't keep up at times as the error appears at random points in execution.


    I can of course whack everything into the same DB, but that defeats the purpose of what I eventually wish to accomplish.


    Anyhow, I noticed that max user connections is set to 2. Would there be a huge impact to the server if this was increased to 3? I imagine this would solve my problem. If not, I'll just make the necessary changes, but it would be nice if possible.

  13. I close them all the time, as early as possible. I wasn't aware of any auto-closing at end of page (there might well be, I've never really given it any thought or read up on it). However if it frees up a connection slot a few milliseconds earlier on a shared server, being wrong dosen't do any harm. ;)

  14. Username: Xoviat

    Server: Johnny

    Heliohost Domain: Scrabblefreak.heliohost.org


    Account's jumped over to queued status in the past 1-2 hours.


    I'm guessing that this is part of bigger issue as server activity had died in that time.


    This is more of a heads up in case no one's aware there's a problem (If there is a problem, could be maintenance for all I know).

  15. You can always ask whatever you want. Worst case scenario: We just say no, laugh at the request, or simply ignore you.


    Well of course, but I'd hope that you lot wouldn't do any of the above as I'd realistically be asking this in the best possible interests of the server environment which you administrate. :)


    I wouldn't drive you all nuts with requests all the time, just when I've put in something major. I'll eventually be able to approximate how much resources /per task/ per website user as I log and can theoretically count instances of any task performed. Particularly whilst my site traffic is minimal (to say the least).


    I would recommend against PMing though probably. If you PM an admin only the one admin sees it, but if you make a forum post ALL of the admins can see it. Furthermore, I know some admins just ignore PMs unless they specifically ask someone to PM them something.


    Fair enough. There's probably about 100 things of higher priority to deal with before something like this and your time here is limited. Thinking about it, if you did it for me, 500 others might have the same idea and you'd never get anything done if you responded to us all. Guess I could just cross my fingers for an automated implementation in HelioPanel or similar. I believe it would be that useful.

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