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Everything posted by Desperro

  1. The Davinci Code...good book, good story
  2. Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderfull World
  3. hehe thats cool
  4. The lovefreaks -Shine lol where did that come from
  5. hehe I'm back again was waay to busy with school stuff etc :/ where did my helions go to???
  6. happy newyear all want to wish you all a nice year full of love etc
  7. Hello all, I made a new sig...it has a graffiti look. It's still not finished though What do you think of it?? and if you have any suggestions to improve it please post
  8. aaah well horror is horror, they all good
  9. Aragorn Putting your appointed path ahead of any inner conflicts, you make your own rules for the benefit of all. If my life or death I can protect you, I will. Lol thats cool ^^
  10. Desperro

    New Rule

    why u all wanna be mod?? Just post and have fun ^^
  11. w00w this is some good stuff...is that easy to fix?? then i might search for that prog
  12. aah well...he still is right..Photoshop roxxors
  13. omg most sites (offers) arent working up here :/
  14. aah well...ringu was nice yeah...but no real cuttin and sliceing
  15. Yesterday, when I had nothing to do for once I went to video rental to rent the DVD "SAW" Duude that movie is sick, didn't know people could be so sick to develop such movies ^^ Anyone else seen it?
  16. haha lool nice edit
  17. done
  18. nokia has nice mobiles, funcional and reliable. I have a Motorolla now though, with smartphone software. Nothing can beat that
  19. lol Genesis I was looking @ ur posts: 1331 so its allmost 1337, which makes u ELITE But seriously merge can be good, bit more activity on the boards
  20. ok I was thinking bout buyin an Ipod, but what is the big difference between an mp3 player and a Ipod?
  21. hhm there happened a lot while i was reinstalling my PC
  22. This is the code you need to use in signature [img=http://url]
  23. Yeah have seen it on tv a couple days back...Love the part when you actually can see the alien though
  24. *searching for some glue*
  25. hehe dude wished I had hours like that ^.^
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