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Everything posted by cluelusshusbund

  1. My understandin after listenin to that video::: Gods creation plan includes a gift of free-will so that you will be able to know love... an any horrors you may experience in life will all make sinse after you wake up from bein dead.!!! Well... thats one plan... but i thank i have a beter plan in which i tell everbody the truth... that thers no such thang as free-will... an wit my creation plan... everbody can choose the exact life they want to experience... an no one will have to suffer any Horrors in life... such as children bein raped/tortured.!!!
  2. I enjoy the sensation that will is free... even tho i realize that a chain of events leads me to the decisions i make.!!! As far as you'r postin here... were ther causes that led you to post here... was you'r choice to post here uninfluenced.???
  3. It seems that we agree that "free will" is an illusion.!!!
  4. Its none of those thangs.!!! Yes... some are mounted high an some are mounted low --- dependin on the style of what the item is mounted to.!!! Here is anuther helpful pic:::
  5. No.!!! Here is a pic of some of the hardware the item is mounted to:::
  6. No.!!! Its part of the house... i installed it about 30 years ago... some are installed about 24" above the floor... mine is mounted 6' 6" above the floor... its human powered... its a common item... my house has 2.!!!
  7. Not a ventilator... but it does regulate the rate at which a small volume (~ 2 cubic inches) of air is released.!!!
  8. No.!!! Clues::: The label is from somptin in the kitchen area but it has nuthin to do wit cookin.!!! The label blew off the item from a breeze after i opened the back door.!!!
  9. Yes its a silent dog whistle.!!! Below is a label i found on my kitchen floor which has instructions on it... what item are those instructions for.???
  10. <p>Crop Tool</p> <p>----------------</p> <div><?php</div> <div>session_start();</div> <div>$ID = session_id();</div> <div>$self = $_SERVER[php_SELF];</div> <div>$_SESSION[views];</div> <div> </div> <div>if ( $_POST )</div> <div>{</div> <div>$url = trim("$_POST");</div> <div> </div> <div>if ( !preg_match("#^http#i", $url) )</div> <div>{ die("<center>URLs start with http://</center>"); }</div> <div> </div> <div>$url = str_replace(" ","%20",$url);</div> <div> </div> <div>$blob = file_get_contents("$url");</div> <div>$image = new imagick();</div> <div>$image->readImageBlob("$blob");</div> <div> </div> <div>$format = strtolower( $image->getimageformat() );</div> <div>$path = "tmp/$ID.$_SESSION[views].$format";</div> <div>$_SESSION[path] = $path;</div> <div> </div> <div>$image->writeimage("$path");</div> <div> </div> <div>header("location:imagick-click-crop.php");</div> <div>exit;</div> <div>}</div> <div>?> </div> <div> </div> <div><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"></div> <div><html></div> <div><head></div> <div><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></div> <div><title>Image Click To Crop</title></div> <div><style type="text/css"> </div> <div><!--</div> <div>/* style forms */</div> <div>input {</div> <div> background-color: #c6ccd3;</div> <div> color: #000060;</div> <div>}</div> <div> </div> <div>select {</div> <div> background-color: #c6ccd3;</div> <div> color: #000060;</div> <div>}</div> <div> </div> <div>textarea {</div> <div> background-color: #c6ccd3;</div> <div> color: #000060;</div> <div>}</div> <div> </div> <div>form {</div> <div> border: 1px solid #c6ccd3;</div> <div> padding: 5px;</div> <div>}</div> <div> </div> <div>/* end forms */</div> <div>--></div> <div></style></div> <div></head></div> <div><body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000060"></div> <div><form action="" method="post"></div> <div><table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="8" border="0"></div> <div><tr></div> <div><td align="center"></div> <div><h1 align="center">Image Click To Crop</h1></div> <div><br></div> <div>url: <input type="text" name="url" size="30" value="">&#160;<input type="submit"></td></div> <div></tr></div> <div></table></div> <div></form></div> <div><br><br></div> <div></body></div> <div></html></div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div>
  11. Yes i have resized an cropped some stuff.!!! Woud this be the cause::: http://ptim.heliohost.org/Bugs%20Bunny%20Cut.mp4
  12. I dont realy know what you mean by image script or what a tmp directory for Stevie is.!!!
  13. I changed my sweeper script to 2 days insted of 7 days.!!!
  14. ptim http://ptim.heliohost.org/ stevie server I thank i log in to cPanel often enuff so i dont know what the prollem might be.!!!
  15. Not only is that what a (silent) dog whistle looks like... thats what it is.!!! We Have A WINER
  16. New clue here::: Its "silent" an used to train dogs.!!!
  17. I dont know of any example of will bein free... an i dont thank anybody else does ether.!!! I thank morality comes from the brain... an ther is no seperate entity as the "mind"... an the heart just pumps blood.!!!
  18. "Free-will"---The ability to make uninfluenced choices. "We" acknowledge the obvious thangs about our environment an genes which restrict our will from bein free... but i thank every aspect of our lives is the result of previous causes... an these causes an effects are an unbroken chain of events which leaves zero room for will to be free.!!! I thank the illusion that will is free... came about as consciousness evolved.!!! PS---I understand you just fine :-)
  19. I think free-will is an illusion... how about you?
  20. I did not know that.!!! So is a miracle just physics, or something beyond science that only God can preform?
  21. My mom seemed to believe ther was a "Holey Bible type of afterlife"... Dad... not so much... me... at 8 years old i remember thankin that grown ups at sunday school wasn't tellin me the truth about Jesus-stuff... an at 21 i got married to a sweet little Pennycost girl an we have been happy atheists for over 40 years now
  22. Yes... I called you the WINNER in this post::: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/9567-guess-what-this-is/page__view__findpost__p__85857 Post number 41 is the next thang to guess. Guess what this is::: New Clue::: You blow one end of it.!!!
  23. You're a good guesser and a WINNER Guess what this is::: New Clue::: You blow into one end of it.!!! Newest Clue::: Its "silent" an used to train dogs.!!!
  24. Bingo... we have a WINNER Guess this::: The coin below was given to me about forty years ago from someone who lived in Galveston Texas at the time. Below is the edge of the coin, and the coin showin the date 1371. All who guess within $1,000 of the current market value of this coin will be considered a WINNER.
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