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Everything posted by cluelusshusbund

  1. Of course... i thank thers reasons (causes) for everthang... hense... a deterministic universe.!!! I have plans to start a thred about "free will"... hope to see you thar :-)
  2. No... not a Owl... an i jus now looked in the back yard an saw 5 of 'em walkin/hoppin in the yard.!!! An adult can weigh up to 3 ounces.!!!
  3. Hense... the contradiction in the observations made from the sam (earth) perspective.!!! In other words... from the perspective of earth (ie... wit blinders on) the moon is not observed to rotate... an also from the perspective of earth... the Lunar Longitude Libration we observe is esplained by the moon havin an internal axis of rotation... ie... observations made from the sam perspective (earth) produce contridictory conclusions.!!! Now... if you have a diferent esplination for the cause of the Lunar Longitude Libration "observed from earth"... then you will have shown the importance of usin a perspective (from earth) which gives less complete information than usin a sidereal perspective.!!! Yes... an i agreed.!!! Thank you :-) Depends on you'r perspective... you see... i was raized an schooled in a small town in Kentucky durin the 50's... lol.!!! From my perspective... "a yes".!!!
  4. That is corect.!!! I wasnt talkin about "that" or "anythang else in the world"... in my post above... i was talkin about the specific esample i gave... an in that esample... 2 contridictory conclusions are produced from the sam earth perspective... or can you esplain the Lunar Longitude Libration (we observe from earth) wit somptin other than the moon rotates on an internal axis.??? Depends on you'r perspective... you see... i was raized an schooled in a small town in Kentucky durin the 50's... lol.!!!
  5. No... not a Turkey Vulture... but its gettin narrowed down mor an mor as to what bird it actualy is.!!! Clue::: This is a very common bird... i can look out back mos any time an see at leas a couple of 'em.!!! As a (sad) side note::: Las friday... one of these baby birds (jus out of the nest) hopped toward me an bumped into my shoe as i was walkin to the male box... as i looked closer at it... i notced it didnt have a upper beak an its eyes wasnt open... so i took it to the animal humane society an they said they woud have to humainly uthanize it cause it woud never be able to feed wit no upper beak.!!! Corect... it ant a Cockatoo.!!! Here is a pitcher of one of its eyes.!!! http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHeliohost/BirdEye.jpg
  6. From the perspective of earth... the moon doesn't appear to be rotating on an internal axis... however... also from the perspective of earth... we observe the phenomenon of Lunar Longitude libration... and the only way this observed phenomenon can occur is if the moon does in fact rotate on an internal axis (if you dont agree then you dont understand Lunar Longitude Libration)... ie... from the same perspective (earth) the moon gives contradictory evidence as to whether it rotates on an internal axis or not... so in this esample... "perspective" is not the be-all end-all some might assert.!!!
  7. No... not a Hawk.!!! As a side note (which has nuthin to do wit the bird you'r tryin to guess)::: I herd somptin goin on outside-figered the nabor was doin somptin... so i went out an looked an this fell off my roof::: http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHeliohost/Bone.jpg
  8. Cheer up... you won fare an square... be proud.!!! I will post anuther "Guess what this is".!!! Guess what meat-eatin baby bird these talons belong to.!!! The bird was 1 day out of the nest.!!!
  9. Spot on (pinto beans)... congratulatons... we have a WINNER.!!!]
  10. No... this food item is hard like rocks before its cooked... and it takes 2 to 3 houres to cook it tender... and In total... the 2 food items shown weigh less than .1 (1/10) oz.
  11. No... not feces or sweet potatoes... an even though the object at the top an right seems as hard as rocks... they ant rocks... but the items at the left an bottom is dirt... so Geoff has half of it corect.!!! Clue::: The items at the top an right are food... and it takes 2 to 3 houres to cook 'em untill they are tender an ready to eat.!!! Edit::: Its a very common food... i eat it almost every day.!!! In total... the 2 food items shown weigh less than .1 oz.
  12. You paid $1.50 for a broken image link? Nah... the broken image link was free... good guess tho "Ripway" is usualy pretty reliable but they have been having problems lately.!!! Below is a diferent link to the same picture... maybe it will work better.!!! http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHeliohost/GuessBD.jpg
  13. No... good guess tho :-) Clue::: I threw away what you see in the pitcher.!!!
  14. Clue::: I payed about $1.50 per pound for these items.!!!
  15. You offended the King because you have blond hare an the punishment was 40 lashes... did you deserve the punishment you received.??? One also cant control the genes they was borned wit or the enviroment they was borned into... ie... no free will (unfluenced choises)... so wit-out free will... how can anyone deserve punishment in a deterministic universe.???
  16. Except for you'r posible implication that the universe is designed (which woud be supposition)... you make a good pont about usin perspective to determine whether or not the moon rotates on an internal axis... an the fact is... from anywhare in the known universe (except our planet)... the moon is seen to rotate on its internal axis once ever 27.3 days.!!! Very well said... thank you... an hopfuly... even tho you used the word "guess" you agree wit the link below.!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory "A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world." I dont know cl58tools very well an have no idea what they ment... but if you'r guess is corect then we all 3 agree.!!! ------------------ Here a queston... if the gravity from our planet sudenly disapeared... the moon woud continue to revolve aroun the sun... do you thank from the perspective of the sun... that the moon woud coninue to make a complete rotation on its internal axis ever 27.3 days.??? Well let me be clear... im not talkin about absolute certanty... but i am discussin from the pont of view of mos likely probibility based on known facts... an you'r answr _that mayb the moon dont rotate_ is dependent on a posible an "unknown" universe... ie... supposition... my pont is... the bes factual understandin we have about the moons rotation is that it does in fact rotate on an internal axis.!!! Yes... science is self corectin... an not that science "proves" anythang... its the scientific method that produces facts about how thangs work... but is it you'r pont that science shoud be disregarded in the understandin of ourselfs an the universe in which we live.??? That is not at all what I said. I merely stated a fact. To be clear... i corectly quoted you'r open ended statment... which begged the question i asked.!!! Krydos took a guess at what you ment by you'r statment... but i dont know if he guessed corectly or not... an even tho this is a discuss groop... of course you dont have to atempt to make it clear what you did mean by you'r statment.!!!
  17. To the issue of this thred about whether the moon rotates on an internal axis or not... how coud the longitude libration of the moon (observed from our planet) be explained if the moon did not rotate on an internal axis.???
  18. Yes... science is self corectin... an not that science "proves" anythang... its the scientific method that produces facts about how thangs work... but is it you'r pont that science shoud be disregarded in the understandin of ourselfs an the universe in which we live.???
  19. What if the moon isn't actually rotating though? What if the moon is the only thing in the universe that ISN'T rotating, and everything else in the entire universe is rotating around the moon and therefore making it appear as if the moon is rotating?! Perspective, ouch. How coud that be true... when from the perspective of the sun... the moon is seen to rotate on its internal axis once ever 27.3 days.???
  20. Also... "punishment" is defined as Severe treatment.!!! http://www.bennetyee.org/http_webster.cgi?...mp;method=exact 4. Severe, rough, or disastrous treatment. [Colloq. or Slang] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] But rather than pontlesly argue about that... i will set up anuther scenerio that will meet you'r definition of punishment so you can answr my hypothetical queston.!!! You offended the King because you have blond hare an the punishment was 40 lashes... did you deserve the punishment you received.???
  21. Mayb the King is "crazy"... regardless... its a strate forward hypothetical scenerio i set up... ie... if you gettin punished means that many starvin people will be fed... did you deserve the punishment you received.??? That isn't really punishment. According to Dictionary.com, to punish is "to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offense, transgression, or fault." This situation does not match that definition as it is not a penalty for an offense. Not all punishments are condidered "just" by all people... som may thank an "offense" had been comited an som may not... an lke i said... mayb the King was "crazy"... but regardless... whether the punishment was just or not... did you deserve the 40 lashes.???
  22. I agree wit that... so how did you voat in the Poll... Yes... or No.??? If a King woud give starvin people food if they punished you (a person innocent of any crimes/wrong doin) wit 40 lashes... woud you deserve that punishment.??? Mayb the King is "crazy"... regardless... its a strate forward hypothetical scenerio i set up... ie... if you gettin punished means that many starvin people will be fed... did you deserve the punishment you received.??? Yes. Everyone deserves punishment. It is part of the basic fabric of how the world works. If a 2 year old child is told not to play wit matches... an they play wit matches anyway an catch on fire an dye... did they deserve the firy death they received.??? Do you thank som people deserve punishment.??? Whether or not punishment is necesary to avoid chaos is irrelevent to the issue of this thred. !!! My queston is... is punishment ever deserved.??? So what punishment do you thank woud be deserved for a starvin child who steals a slice of bread.??? Did you answr the above queston.???
  23. But when you're talking about something, the reasons it exists must be taken into consideration. If punishment did nothing and served no purpose, then it would be absurd, but there is a reason and serves a purpose. If a King woud give starvin people food if they punished you (a person innocent of any crimes/wrong doin) wit 40 lashes... woud you deserve that punishment.???
  24. Do you thank som people deserve punishment.??? Whether or not punishment is necesary to avoid chaos is irrelevent to the issue of this thred. !!! My queston is... is punishment ever deserved.??? So what punishment do you thank woud be deserved for a starvin child who steals a slice of bread.??? I agree.!!! No.!!!
  25. Because we always see the sam face of the moon... som people say that the moon does not rotate on an internal axis... what do you thank.???
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