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Everything posted by Ali

  1. I never posted it earilier, but that "Gates of Hell" thing is obviously a joke by google, along with the motherboard lake. It says copyright Google all over it.
  2. lmao!
  3. You ripped off the top half of the helmet which takes forever to get back on it, and I told you not to touch my stuff. And you fell by yourself, I don't need to help you fall. Lastly, tapping you with a plastic Obi Wan lightsabre doesn't hurt.
  4. My list of favorite programming lanugages (from most favorite to least): 1. PHP 2. HTML 3. CSS I would have said MySQL, but it isn't a language and would be 4th.
  5. Only at school because the compies are slow. My home comp uses firefox, and it runs fast.
  6. That explains it, thanks.
  7. too late, I'm already over a month past the deal or something.
  8. 1377 That joke isn't funny in Conundrums, and it isn't funny on Helio, Chris.
  9. <insert can of assorted meats here>
  10. 2 helions for that one helion! XD
  11. 1375 I AM TEH MAGIC TREEEEEEEE!!!11!!12@1
  12. Actually, I had a nokia phone and it was great. Also, what does [sic] mean? 0.o
  13. XD MS Paint coin. Happy birthday GM.
  14. 1365
  15. I don't really like the idea of a merger that much, I'm ok if it did or didn't happen, but Djbob says its not going to happen, so even though lappy wants the merge, its not going to happen.
  16. Iron [bleeped!]? 0.o;; I'm more geek then nerd. =P I'm not really popular either. Though I do know a shitload of people.
  17. Yeah, I read about the fact they're Jewish. So then is a temple their school, or just something else? *google searches out of boredom* 1:12 AM
  18. I don't think I would like to try peaches and milk (its a joke! a very LAME joke). What's a questy? XP
  19. Does everyone else know eachother? I'm lost here. o.0;; So you all go to two temples and you have gangwars. What type of temple? You're all Bhuddists?
  20. Your post reminds me of the last part of "Burly Brawl" from "The Matrix Has You" (matrix parody collection written by legendary frog, animated by many flash artists, go find it at newgrounds.com).
  21. I'd say you need to get another hosting account and pay for both your BsB (if you're keeping it) and your blog. I'd recomend wordpress if you want a free blog (I found a cool windows vista theme for it), moveable type if you have cash to spend, or if you like to DiY, write your own news/blog script like I did yesterday.
  22. This reminds me of the iPod Flea vid. =P I have read on the internet that the little display screen on the iPod Nano is cracking. People keep it in their pockets for an hour or 3 and the screen cracks. If all of it is actually true, I would advise buying an iPod Nano a few months later.
  23. Its ok I if I use it for trial, but I use it as the real deal on my forums. I'll give it the upgrades once I get my site with a bit of traffic (as soon as I fix it up, I just finished the MySQL news system).
  24. On Gaia Online I have a few extra accounts, but I make sure everyone knows its the same 1 person.
  25. @Max: So long and thanks for all the fish.
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