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  1. Thank you very much! So i got a question, is Zend Guard Loader compatible with Zend Optimizer? I mean, if the php files were encoded and have to be decoded by Zend Optimizer, can those be decoded by Zend Guard Loader? Much appriciated!
  2. Thank you. I just had a check but it still shows that it has not been installed...
  3. Thank you for your reply! Now my host is on Johnny, but due to the stability, i am considering if i should move my site to Stevie
  4. Hi there, Firstly, I'd like to say thank you to all the HelioHost staffs for providing such a good free hosting service to us. And here is my problem, just now when i tried to setup my website, it showed that the host do not support ZendOptimizer which is necessary for the website. Could you tell me if the server can support it or if i can do something to turn the function on? Thanks in advance!
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