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Everything posted by karath

  1. Sup bob, long time no see... decided to come back to the good ol' host, how have you been?

  2. Reputation is kinda lame. I belong to a clan website that uses reputation, take a lookie: www.warriornation.net
  3. Hence the introduction of moderators to the forum. I'm pretty sure no-one can post 2500 times in one day.
  4. Never wanted to use the Helions for buying domains, never will. I would just like them back for the simple purchases such as the hosting options. Posting for domains sounds like a merit for spam to me.
  5. I would find that if you removed it (helions) you are effectively punishing the people staying loyal to Helionet. We have accumulated so many helions because of our dedication. I only have 400 posts or so, yet I have around 120k helions.
  6. karath

    Server Move!

    Just making sure, is the Heliohost server the same one Helionet is on? So will the forums be affected?
  7. karath

    Changes Coming

    Obviously a transfer. Djbob is cool, he'll do that Hey RK! Long time no see! Seems like a reunion party, welcome back from Iraq And nice server... very quick to load, looks good
  8. These are not mine so you may have to contact the author on these. I belong to this clan so yeah, if you want I can message them for you for the templates. http://warriornation.net/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=1451 I'm not sure if you can browse through them as a guest but I'm pretty sure you can
  9. karath

    Changes Coming

    Oh, Kyougi is still here I might apply for a moderator position because I have experience on a larger scale... but sounds good to expand the community... how does a movie/flash animation submitted to a popular place which links to this site sound?
  10. karath

    Server Downtime

    Oh yea, that was glad to be heard. Last night I couldn't to take my interest in the bank. :-( and I lost 150Helions....... GIMME BACK!!! LOLZ Just kidding. If I cashed in all my helionet points on time, I'd be on about 300k by now. Maybe more. Well, perhaps we should be more vigilant next time or give out a more detailed application form... to ask what their purpose is.
  11. karath

    Changes Coming

    w00tles! New server! Looks awesome DJ!
  12. karath

    Changes Coming

    It's evident already. Back to the good old days where there was no such thing as lag on these servers. Gotta love it. Thanks lappy and djbob, and no thanks to the people who thinks it's alright to overload the server!
  13. karath

    Changes Coming

    *Sits there salivating with his tongue hanging out* Awesome djbob... now just make sure you pay that debt back, we don't want our bob to be in a debt
  14. karath


    Right... if you did scroll down the forums you would find the appropriate board for things. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showforum=32 Because we do have forums for those small things.
  15. karath

    Changes Coming

    Wow, might try that one day. Anyway, good to hear of the changes that are coming to the Helionet and Heliohost place, I've always been an avid supporter so I suppose I should get back to what I do best: help out on the community. ~KaRath
  16. You're using firefox/opera/some other way cooler browser than IE. You have to use IE to sign up. Djbob needs to fix that.
  17. What happened to the "Yes, please" part of the poll? *Male*
  18. karath


    A good way to maximize helions would be to store them in the Bank (find it in the store). I have 400 posts or so, yet I have 44500 helions. Chill.
  19. For those people who cannot read: I AM NOT RUNNING THIS AT THE MOMENT. Are we clear on that?
  20. Learn to read/think first and then respond, it really helps in real life. By the way Kyougi, I noticed that you didn't add a full stop to the end of "Christ". I'm reporting you :X
  21. I think, that Prozac is a damaging drug (it is a circuit breaker) and no exposed usage of any drug is safe for anyone, because it leads to deep harm of the human body.
  22. Sorry, I'm not running this currently but I could have it up soon. I don't post a lot, and I don't keep a lot in hand, hence why I'm out of "helions". I actually have 28'000 helions in the bank. (Check it out!) Yes, so sorry I'm not running it at the moment, but looking forward to it in the near future.
  23. karath

    Admin Gone

    W00tles! Djbob you're back! (Again)
  24. He must be hanged and pressed for being a HERETIC USING IE
  25. This place is going weird
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