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Everything posted by MardukCorp

  1. MardukCorp

    Help me!!

    You missed a zero which makes a huge difference. ;-)
  2. Ok, thanks for the fast reply!
  3. Sorry for asking again, but the version on Johnny is 5.0? And where would I see this when its updated? And a little sidequestion: When I try to debug my website on Johnny in VS2010, it gives me an error that VS can't debug because the debugger can't connect to the remote-PC. Any tips for me?
  4. I must import it in my website project in VS2010 to test my site.
  5. Which MySQL .NET Connector version is at the moment compatible with Johnny? Maybe it can solve my problem posted here also: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9241
  6. It seems that you have a similar problem as me: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9203 Is your website a .aspx site?
  7. Sorry for that, but now I'm getting again a 0 Byte page. The site worked yesterday noon but when testing it right now I'm getting this.
  8. Its great, really. xD This is the site a "had" problems with: http://www.mardukcorp.co.cc/reseted.aspx , but know I'm getting the 0 Byte answer from the server as posted here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...15&start=15 At this point, I can't show you the error because of the problem above, which was solved yesterday noon but occured again now.
  9. Hi there, I created a MySqlConnection to my database in an .aspx Site, but when I import MySql.Data.dll in VS2010, my site returns a 404. When I delete MySql.Data.dll, from my project the site is working perfectly (but not the sql part of course). I'm using the MySQL Connector Net 5.0.9. Can anybody help me with this?
  10. Both servers seems to be down a minute ago but jet my site is working! Thank you very much! Now I can start with further aspx projects. ;-)
  11. Can an empty respones come from the aspx file (error on my side) or is this likly a server problem?
  12. Sorry, not for me Now, it gives me a blank site.
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