I've been checking out your services today.I dig the community concept. In the near future I'm going to be spinning up multiple word press sites and guessing I should head toward "Morty" (when available) or VPS tier. I happened upon your site today right when "Johnny" sign ups opened up and jumped in before I saw what all was available.
That said, I'm a little novice with a command line (I can get around, but..) and would like a recommendation on control panel. I noted in the description to ask here if I needed help choosing.
What options are there and what do you recommend? I tried searching the forum and I'm either not searching well or I'm the first to ask. (Probably the former. lol.)
I'm a couple weeks out from building the first site. Do you think Morty will be available then and is the transition from Morty to VPS relatively painless? What would the advantages be of staying with Morty and paying for add on sites vs going to the VPS? (The WordPress sites, though multiple, should be small and not a ton of traffic. I am getting into lead gen)
Thank You,