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Everything posted by jeffersonmidei

  1. don't worry... thank you so much... I have one more question: can I ask for deletion of "jeffersonmidei.helioho.st" domain? I think that is my "main" domain at my HelioHost account...
  2. Well... I can have 10 domains, right? I already have 4, and I asked for more 5 in this post, right? So, 4 (already there) + 5 (new ones) = 9 Can I have this 5 domains that I asked in this post, please?
  3. Dear Sirs, My username is: jeffersonmidei And I would like to ask you, please, to add these new domains at my account: aescoladovinho.com.br escolasmt.com escolasmt.com.br jeffersonmidei.com.br librovinhos.com.br Thanks, JM:.
  4. oh, thanks, I didn't know that... I will create a new topic with all my domains to be create at once... Thanks again...
  5. Dear Sirs, My username is: jeffersonmidei And I would like to ask you, please, to add a new domain at my account. The new domain is: iazaap.com.br Thanks, JM:.
  6. I need to ask for more domains... Should I create a new topic or just reply here?
  7. Dear Sirs, My username is: jeffersonmidei And I would like to ask you, please, to add a new domain at my account. The new domain is: dojoia.com.br Thanks, JM:.
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