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Everything posted by jneves4pt

  1. (delete this please)
  2. (delete this and that ↓↓ please)
  3. http://moneymakerx.heliohost.org username: xtpx server: Stevie my account is showing as queued
  4. Thanks, solved. I put my Google Chrome to not save websites o.O
  5. I'm having the same problem... Website: http://moneymakerx.heliohost.org/ Server: Stevie Thanks
  6. I agree with you Everlast7. Mayan Calendar and Bible aren't reasons. 2- Sun is millions of years old and since we live here (150 000 years) never happened anything that we would notice, why would he change so much in one year? 3- Scientist wouldn't spend so much money in something that could destroy the world. First they make the calculations, then build it 4- Bible's stories are supposed to have meaning, not to be real. I'm not religious... 5- There are more scientists who don't agree with that. And that volcano can't destroy the earth -.- 6- More specific? 7- Poles already changed before and earth is still here and the only marks it left was on the minerals.
  7. There was Philosopher who said "I think, therefore I am". Everything can be fake but you know that your mind exists. If I'm answering to you and I'm telling you that I know I am real because I think, you know you think too so we are real. Confusing?
  8. I was going to do a backup yesterday but I forgot... You're like a reminder Thanks.
  9. It's a T (made it for other forum): Maybe I can make an image to HelioNet ____________________________________________________________ Question: ____________________________________________________________ Another T: I don't like this one very much... ____________________________________________________________ xtpx: ____________________________________________________________ All made with Photoshop and Cinema 4D. Tell what do you think of them please and show us your images so we can give a good opinion about them
  10. Nuclear energy and peace (and/or cooperation) are the solution for everything With that we reduce pollution --> Global Warming, after we plant more trees than those we cut we are ready to survive and help animals surviving to our destruction.
  11. People live to have fun (or other things...) but after having fun we get bored, so we will want funnier stuff until it ends and we get sad or bored again. People can be happy but not for always. So for me the meaning of life is to have a little fun sometimes, not too much, because the more fun you have the more bored you will be.
  12. Europe - Portugal. Yes, the country who is going to bankrupt
  13. Hahahahaha! Life came a lot of time after... Btw there is more theories, not just the Big Bang theory (I just know their name in Portuguese :/ ). Scientists are now trying to find a particle that was created during the Big Bang, if they find it they prove that Big Bang happened. I think people who think God made everything are kinda dumb for thinking that :S , sorry
  14. When life was created (for the first time ) a coincidence had to happen, a lot of molecules had to be organized to create life. It created some bacterias (chickens) who created a way to reproduce later (egg). It would be very difficult to create an object that could create life before the life exists. This is my opinion... Chicken ftw!
  15. I'm not sure of what Evolution is... I also don't believe in god but I'm kind of a scientist 0.o
  16. I think nuclear power should be used more but for that it would have to be built in safe places, far from people and animals. It would also need a very strong structure in case some catastrophe happens :S Now we are needing a lot of energy: to stop pollution. Cars need to be electric!
  17. Cool, I like all those too. Do you like Carlos Santana? ...and Gary Moore? I also like Dragonforce and Queen.
  18. You can just go to dot.tk and register your site there... I used to do that but I stopped because you can't choose a favicon and if a user opens a page in a new window it returns to your site.
  19. I use a cheap Sony Ericsson phone and iPod touch 4, it makes it cheaper and both together have more battery time.
  20. I'm getting an error too at my website: http://moneymakerx.heliohost.org/ It takes a lot of time and then: "Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET)" I tried using other browsers and clearing cache, didn't work.
  21. Account Queued again :/ (Apr 21 2011) Website: http://moneymakerx.heliohost.org/
  22. I know this is not the first topic about this but the other topic was closed and I have the same problem. I made this Website with Wordpress: http://moneymakerx.heliohost.org/ Today's morning it was working fine but after some time I pressed "Refresh" and now I see my website made with text, without any shape... So I opened it on another browser (without being logged in) and it showed "Account Queued". I waited some hours and it still says "Account Queued". What can I do? Thanks.
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