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About devashraf

  • Birthday 01/23/1984

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  • Location
    Giza, Egypt
  • Interests
    Stamps` collection, Cultures, Civilizations, Comparative Linguistics, Comparative Religions.

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  1. FTP works now. Very strange.. Thank you very much. Solved.
  2. Thank you. It works now (However, it is slow as you mentioned" I posted the details above. I`ll try FTP again.
  3. Outgoing port tester This server listens on all TCP ports, allowing you to test any outbound TCP port. You have reached this page on port 1373 (from http host header). Your network allows you to use this port. (Assuming that your network is not doing advanced traffic filtering.) Network service: unknown Your outgoing IP: Test a port using a command $ telnet portquiz.net 1373 Trying ... Connected to portquiz.net. Escape character is '^]'. $ nc -v portquiz.net 1373 Connection to portquiz.net 1373 port [tcp/daytime] succeeded! $ curl portquiz.net:1373 Port test successful! Your IP: $ wget -qO- portquiz.net:1373 Port test successful! Your IP: # For Windows PowerShell users PS C:\> Test-NetConnection -InformationLevel detailed -ComputerName portquiz.net -Port 1373 Test a port using your browser In your browser address bar: http://portquiz.net:XXXX Examples: http://portquiz.net:8080 http://portquiz.net:8 http://portquiz.net:666 Your browser can block network ports normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. In this case you should use the telnet or netcat commands to test the port. Please also note that this server uses some port for real services (22, 25), so testing with your browser on those ports will not work. Rate limiting 05/06/2020 : I had to set up Rate limiting on new connections by IP, otherwise the charge was too high for the small portquiz VM. Sorry for that. Contact/feedback: http://portquiz.net:1373/portquizm.png Marc MAURICE See also: Blog post on this topic and How it works Firebind, a commercial tester. javascript test outPorts, a tiny program to test a range of ports using portquiz
  4. portquiz.net refused the connection - ERR_CONENCTION_REFUSED. The same in home and at work.
  5. Hello, I restored my account, and everything works fine. However, FTP has a problem. It logs in successfully, but once I click the folder to access it, it fails for a "permission error" (Directory /devashraf: permission denied). I checked the settings, and set the password again, checked the setting being correct as per this page. I use FileZilla. Just to confirm, the problem happened after restoring the account.
  6. Thank you. I already requested the domains in anoter thread and they were successfully processed.
  7. Hello, Please create these sites under my "dev.ashraf" account: lpl.helioho.st waken.helioho.st waken-eg.helioho.st pg.helipho.st award-edu.helioho.st Thank you.
  8. I meant the specific site under the account.. not the full account. I`m recreating the account now. Then, I`ll restore the backup into it.
  9. Hello, I have this under my "dev.ashraf" account. (prize.radio alias for award-radio.helioho.st) I want to delete the site, its files, its domain and its domain alias as well. Thank you, Ashraf
  10. Hello, Please rename award.helioho.st to lpl.helioho.st . Account name: dev.ashraf Thank you.
  11. Sorry for the delay. The bank was too slow processing some work. I managed to move to Morty, however, the Egyptian authoriities block your payment processor (PayPal), so, the payment failed. I used the card payment option, but it didn`t work. The bank confirmed to me that paypal payment gateway is banned as well, not just "paypal.com". The solution is HelioHost adding an additional payment gateway, or the Egyptioan authorities allowing Paypal (if one of these ever happen in the future). I request an admin deleting all files under "https://award-sci.helioho.st/mag/" and the asscoiated database "devashraf_wp603", so that the current suspension caused by the space which exceeded its limit gets fixed. I`ll have to use HelioHost services within the limit until something changes. * I`m not willing to use the virtual cards such as DixiPay etc... I can`t use them either. In addition, I have bad expericens with scammy paypal brokers etc..
  12. Thank you. I`ll do the move, without removing any files. The card shall be ready for internet payment on 1st January. So, I`ll wait till this date.
  13. Thank you for your replies. I`ll move to Morty and give it a try. I found that my account is suspended for disk space. I`ll have to move to Tommy first, a bigger disk space plan, then to Morty.. am I right? ٍShall I be able to move back to Tommy if wordpress problem persists?
  14. I`ll see.. I may order a 1 month of VPS to try it. Softaculous is a must-have in the control panel that shall be available there. Is it available? I considered a light wordpress fork at Softaculous, but it doesn`t support most addons. If it is for me, I can setup a database-less blog, But The Prize Scientific Society has to use specific scripts to comply with industry standards. (Wordpress, Open Journal System, etc...) instead of their alternatives. So, we have to stick with Wordpress, as its fork doesn`t support required addons.. I was an RHCE, but now I am a tensorflow developer, I may be able to remember the commands etc, if I have to use the VPS.
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