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Everything posted by ebgds

  1. I tested my *.py script (under cgi-bin) with Scheduled Task in "fetch a URL" mode, with a link this this https://site.org/cgi-bin/test.py On my PC it takes 2 mn, and I get error 504 Gateway Time-out on Heliohost I can't cut the script in pieces, without deeply rearrange the code. I thing the Apache max time is about 60 sec, right ? * Is there a way to extend a little longer the Apache max time when the link is related to the Schedule Tasks ? * Or is there another way ?
  2. I don't need mysql-connector-python anymore (mysql-connector is OK) I still need web3 And still have the questions
  3. Hi I managed to test a small Python script (3.12) under the httpdocs/cgi-bin directory. To move forward with my project, I need two libraries that are neither installed nor native: web3 (Version: 7.2.0) mysql-connector-python (Version: 9.0.0) Question 1: Can I connect my Python scripts to my own database on my Tommy account? Question 2: Is it possible to run a Python script (on my cgi-bin) once an hour or once a day? Is it possible through the "Schedule a Task" module. And if yes, what is the command line for that ? System user ebgds Regards Eric
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