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Posts posted by walterpowell

  1. Update: Azure wouldn't let me change nameservers, nor upload a text configuration like the Cloudflare example; so I just edited/added the DNS records manally. All seems to be in order; however, I truly have no idea how Let's Encrypt discovers the alias. Will I need to wait until the server configuration is reloaded?

  2. Fantastic. Thank you for the link. I think what makes the most sense is to have my paid domain an alias of my corresponding heliohost.us sub. So:

    ServerName: waltsblog.com

    ServerAlias: waltsblog.heliohost.us

    Or vice versa as per HelioHost architecture 

    That said, the account name is walterpowell.

    I'll work on the DNS records now.

    Thanks KazVee

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  3. Hello again HelioHost. And greetings from UTC -4:00 (Florida). I've got my rewrite working famously on Johnny, and now I'm ready to transfer my paid domain. I'd like to drop an appropriate donation; however, my current financial situation quite forbids this. Nevertheless, would I be able to do this move? I do fully intend to move to one of the lower response, higher availability servers at a not too distant date. Please advise. Thanks.

  4. I am having zero luck today. 😁

    I tested the following in /httpdocs


    RewriteEngine On


    [Wed Oct 16 14:06:28.617175 2024] [core:alert] [pid 3542333:tid 3542418] [client] /home/walterpowell.heliohost.us/httpdocs/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

    No other directive is in .htaccess

  5. Ok. Thought I was done with this. Just wanted to report that login to Plesk is possible with browser (Android Security Update September 5, 2024) through IP ( johnny.heliohost.org (DNS) is not happening. I'm sure this is a maze of issues, but I just wanted to give you guys an FYI. Good luck. 🫡  

    Edit: Disregard this. Login through IP did not automatically redirect to HTTPS and only allowed login once. That said, even though I hate leaving loose ends, I'll leave this alone for now, and just use Plesk app. 

  6. Hey all. I just wanted to give an update on the login issues to Plesk via browser. I believe the issue I am encountering revolves around HSTS and connecting to the server via port 8443. Now, my phone has Android Security Update August 5, 2022 and can connect through the browser with a refresh. My tablet; however, with Android Security Update September 5, 2024 refuses to connect outside of the Plesk App (Play Store). At any rate, hopefully, with time Plesk will flesh all of this out. In the meantime, I advise anyone encountering the same problem to use the Plesk Play Store App, as it connects with no react.js or HSTS issues. With that, I'm, again, leaving this to the annals of time and am out. Hopefully, all will go well with the Plesk app here on 'Droid, even though it has a 2.9 rating. 😳 Thanks guys.

  7. Is RewriteEngine allowed? My current architecture requires it. 





    walterpowell.heliohost.us (main)



    Thanks again.

  8. Working now (well, at least Plesk is :)). I'm still having to refresh the page once to get rid of the React errors (it was this way before - maybe a rewrite issue?). Anyway, it looks like Microsoft is ending Action Pack, so I'll be transferring my domain here. I'll see about transferring to one of the premium servers once I'm ready. Anyway, thanks guys. I can now return to perfecting my blog cms.

  9. And same thing on 400 mbs WiFi line. Anyway, it looks like it's all control panel stuff, so I'll check later. I just started working on my blog again, so it's not critical here on this end. Anyway, I appreciate what you guys do. It's nice to see Heliohost up still after all these years. I've always loved IT, so I can appreciate the passion. Anyhow, take care. And thanks again.


  10. Ok. Here's the trace from Plesk. Hope this helps.

    Error: Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

        at rc (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:102474)

        at ti (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:68087)

        at Object.p [as current] (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:69:77579)

        at https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:69:77642

        at ro (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:93078)

        at _o (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:100305)

        at yo (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:100161)

        at xo (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:99705)

        at https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:111368

        at wc (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:111870)

        at cc (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:105682)

        at Vs (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:46632)

        at rc (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:102610)

        at ti (https://johnny.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1724764591:35:68087)

        at https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:20:5664

        at https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:20:4742

        at https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:20:5657

        at https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:42:18739

        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

        at ne (https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:42:18727)

        at ie (https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:42:19982)

        at oe (https://johnny.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1725262955:42:25250)

    Need help resolving the issue? Visit Plesk Help Center.


    That's what you can do

  11. Thanks for replying. I think I have a couple of issues going on here. I deleted the HSTS record from chrome, but was then getting the react error I ran into from the heliohost dashboard. I'm installing Edge now. Will report the results.

  12. Greetings Heliohost. I am getting the following error when logging in to Plesk from the dashboard:

    "Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."

    Also, when attempting to log in to Plesk from my account's default home page I'm getting:

    "You cannot visit walterpowell.heliohost.us right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later."

    I did enable HSTS on my domains, so I'm assuming something has gone awry there. Anyway I can get the TSL stuff disabled? If so, I'll reread the HTTPS options and try to figure out what happened. As always, thanks 

  13. Greetings HelioHost. Thank you for the hosting space. If it's not too much to ask, could I please have subdomain "waltsblog.heliohost.us" added to my account? Would appreciate it greatly. Again, thanks for the free plan.

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